The troubled construction group said it is currently negotiating with Banca Intesa SpA, Capitalia SpA, Sanpaolo IMI SpA and Unicredito Italiano SpA the rescheduling into medium to long term debt of 150 mln eur in short-term credit lines.
Talks to reschedule its debt are also being held with other banks, it said.
Impregilo said it expects to reach an agreement on the rescheduling of its debt by May 26.
The company also expects the payment by mid-May of about 80 mln eur in wastage management fees due by insolvent municipalities of the Campania region.
The payment will be made by the government-controlled financial group Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).
In the coming days, CDP is expected to be asked by the government to pay another 77 mln eur in unpaid fees, it said.
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