Consumer Electronics Association (CEA):
WHAT: The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA (R)) invites all
interested parties to participate in nine new standards
projects, initiated at the Technology and Standards Forum
held in March. This bi-annual event allows CEA standards
committees to meet with industry technical leaders and
develop emerging industry standards.
The nine new standards projects are:
-- CEA-909 Antenna Control Interface Standard. This standard is
being revised to enable control signals to be sent from DTVs
to smart antennas via a single coaxial cable to allow optimum
signal reception.
-- CEA-2013, Digital STB Background Power Consumption. This
standard is under revision to include power consumption
provisions for terrestrial digital to analog converter boxes,
the much-discussed "simple" digital television adapters
(DTAs) that enable analog TVs to continue to work after the
congressionally-mandated end of analog TV broadcasting on
February 17, 2009.
-- CEA-766-A, U.S. and Canadian Region Rating Tables (RRT) and
Content Advisory Descriptors for Transport of Content
Advisory Information using ATSC A/65-A Program and System
Information Protocol (PSIP). This standard defines digital
V-Chip for the U.S. and Canada. The scheduled five-year
review has been authorized and is underway.
-- CEA-775-B, DTV 1394 Interface Specification, and CEA-849-A,
Applications Profiles for EIA-775-A Compliant DTVs. These two
standards define the interface between DTVs and other
devices, via IEEE 1394 (also known as "Firewire"). Scheduled
five-year reviews have been authorized.
-- CEA-770.2C, Standard Definition TV Analog Component Video
Interface, CEA-770.3-C, High Definition TV Analog Component
Video Interface. These two standards define connection via
the component video interface between DTVs and other CE
devices, addressing standard definition and high definition
transmission, respectively. Scheduled five-year reviews have
been authorized.
-- CEA-2020, Other VBI Waveforms. This new standard will define
four proprietary means of signaling audience measurement and
program lineup information via analog TV signals.
To participate in any of the above projects, contact Jean Johnson
-- CEA-2018, Task Model Representation. This new standard will
define means for authoring and using task-based user
interfaces for consumer electronics (CE). The standard will
facilitate the development of future CE products with
task-based and cross-device user interfaces that are easier
for customers to understand and use.
To participate in this project, contact Leslie King at .
WHEN: Participation in CEA Standards activities is open to
companies and organizations with direct and material
interest. CEA membership is not required to participate.
ABOUT CEA: CEA leads technology manufacturers in fostering CE industry
growth by developing industry standards and technical
specifications that enable new products to come to market
and encourage interoperability with existing devices. CEA
maintains an unmatched reputation as a credible and
flexible standards making body and as earned ANSI
accreditation. Through more than 70 committees,
subcommittees and working groups, the CEA Technology and
Standards program provides a unique and efficient forum
where technical professionals throughout the industry
develop a unified technology roadmap and address technical
issues critical to CE industry growth. Are you part of the
process? For information about CEA Technology and
Standards, visit
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) is the
preeminent trade association promoting growth in the
consumer technology industry through technology policy,
events, research, promotion and the fostering of business
and strategic relationships. CEA represents more than 2,100
corporate members involved in the design, development,
manufacturing, distribution and integration of audio,
video, mobile electronics, wireless and landline
communications, information technology, home networking,
multimedia and accessory products, as well as related
services that are sold through consumer channels. Combined,
CEA's members account for more than $125 billion in annual
sales. CEA's resources are available online at,
the definitive source for information about the consumer
electronics industry.
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