Skanska (STO:SKAB) has signed leases for four new logistics facilities - in Gothenburg, Linkoping and Burlov (Sunnana) in Sweden, and Stilling in Denmark. The total investment amounts to approximately SEK 565 M. The contracts, which are separate from each other, involve a total of 50,000 square meters, and were signed with Scan, TransFargo, Freja Transport & Logistics, and an unnamed tenant.
The projects were launched in the third quarter of 2007. The occupancy date will be around year-end 2008. All of the facilities are provided on long-term leases, the average term being 12 years. The construction assignments will be performed by Skanska Sweden and Skanska Denmark.
"We are pleased to note that our cutting-edge logistics expertise attracts demanding customers. Winning four logistics contracts with successful tenants, all in a brief period, shows that demand for this customized product has risen sharply," says Cecilia Fasth, President of Skanska Fastigheter Goteborg.
Skanska has over a considerable period accumulated extensive expertise in development of logistics properties. Growth opportunities in this niche are expected to be significant, and the operations are now also expanding into the Danish market.
Skanska Commercial Development Nordic initiates and develops property projects within offices, logistics and shopping centers. Office operations focus on the three large metropolitan regions in Sweden, the Copenhagen region of Denmark and Helsinki, Finland. The development of logistics facilities and volume retail properties is conducted in strategic locations in Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
Skanska Commercial Development Nordic is divided into three regional companies: Gothenburg, Stockholm and Oresund.
This and previous releases can also be found at www.skanska.com
This is the type of information that Skanska AB may be obligated to disclose in accordance with the Swedish Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.
Skanska is one of the world's leading construction groups with expertise in construction, development of commercial and residential projects and public-private partnerships. The Group currently has 56,000 employees in selected home markets in Europe, in the US and Latin America. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Skanska's sales in 2006 totaled SEK 126 billion.
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