DJ Motion Network Lifts Off in Ukraine TV Deal
=------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ots.CorporateNews transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. =------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MNTV and a Ukrainian TV channel KRT (Kievrus) have agreed on cooperation together by sharing KRTs strong position in Ukraine. The two TV channels are about to sign a deal which brings MNTV Ukraine on air to 11 million Ukrainian viewers, covering about 75% of Ukrainian Households. The program is being retranslated by 365 providers. With representation in, 8 major cities of Ukraine. Through satellite, KRT has addition 4 million viewers. The day will be divided in even shares of broadcasting and MNTV Ukraine will have a 12 hours of broadcasting including the crucial primetime per day. The deal also includes the possibility in the future of expansion for MNTV Ukraine to receive its own frequency and license to broadcast in Ukraine, but still in closely cooperation with KRT and the manager of KRT Tatiana Nikitina and MTNV board of directors Rio Pierre Dongour and Christophe Kourdouly, with help of MNTV Ukraine. This deal was made possible by the Cinecho Film Productions, which is the MNTVs representation in Ukraine, closely protecting the MNTV interests. This important step gives MNTV the first serious on air test and brand exposure. Programmes scheduled will be films from the fifties as well as recent productions from across Europe. In addition music concerts will be on the air daily at the very best hours. All the films will be available on MNTV thanks to its agreement with several distributors. (In May 2008 Cinechofilm Productions was appointed the representation of MNTV in Ukraine) ?This deal is very important to all parties involved KRT gets an European partner with strong profile and content and MNTV gets the access to the Ukrainian viewer and KRT has strong position in the Ukrainian TV market. It is included in the top 12 obligatory package channels that people receive through TV antenna and cable. It also has an online broadcasting at their site at: http://www.kievrus.tv I see opportunities for MNTV and KRT, as in a couple of years the goal is to go up in ratings and become a top 6 channel in Ukraine, receiving 8% share of the Ukrainian TV market. It gives Opportunities to foreign companies to advertise in Ukraine and for Ukrainian companies to enter the European market through the MNTV network of TV channels opening in 40 countries. Manager of MNTV Ukraine Vladimir Zhilko says about the deal: The group is moving ahead with their plans for expansion throughout Eastern Europe. ?First Ukraine then Russia and Balkans will set the trend with advertising sales and sponsoring before the end of the year 2008? says Christophe Kourdouly VP of MNH. ?The Ad sales agency used by KRT will operate for MNTV as well, aiming at 25 spots daily to reach the local breakeven. The audience targeted is large because we are offering entertaining programmes with an alternative strategy of films editorially placed between Arthouse and blockbuster genre. Cinecho Film Production, MNTV Local partner will handle domestic content for the morning show and the access Primetime show. MNTV will handle news content with CineEuropa.org; the partnership will produce the daily ?worldmotion? content dealing with the Entertainment Industry and Movie Business. Programmes and the ability to reach an audience of cinema fans will provide considerable cache when MNTV negotiates with German, UK and French satellite or digital platforms early 2009 About Motion Network Holding Plc (News) ("MNH") MNH operates in the sector of communication and provides B2C and B2B services in the area of Television, IPTV, Internet, media content production and post production, software and retail. MNH operating services cover mostly Europe, Far East and the US. MNH's wholly owned UK subsidiary Motion Network TV ("MNTV") is the main group company that operates as a pan European film and music dedicated TV channel. For further information visit: http://www.motionnetworktv.com. About KRT: KRT is mainly a: Informational, educational, family TV channel. The goal of the channel to bring moral principals to the viewer, as an religious and social TV channel KRT is a channel where the human being is adored as an unique project of God. KRT as 8 million Ukrainian viewers, covering about 75% of Ukrainian Households. The program is being retranslated by 365 providers. With representation in 8 major cities in Ukraine. Through satellite, KRT has addition 4 million viewers. This brings the total of viewers to 12 million. Which of course has an attraction to ad sales? market which brings the commercials to the TV channel? KRT is Broadcasting on Sirius satellite: Sirius 5E. HORIZ. FEC- ¾. Rate -27500 Kb/s. Frec-11766Mh. http://www.kievrus.tv About Cinechofilm Productions was founded in 2000 by film director and producer Vladimir Zhilko in order to provide the best service fot foreign and domestic film-makers and produce its own movies. Vladimir Zhilko, manager of the company, was born in 1981 in Kiev, Ukraine, in the former Soviet Union, in the family of well known cinematographers Victor and Larissa Zhilko. In 1991 the family immigrated to Odense in Denmark where they lived for 14 years. From 1998 to 2004 Vladimir Zhilko worked for the national channel TV2 (Denmark). In 2002 Vladimir Zhilko completed an course in USA at Global Film School (LA, USA). In 2004, Vladimir Zhilko shot his debut film "The Last Leaf" and participated in the Orange Revolution as special TV-correspondent for the national channel TV2 (Denmark) with special lives from the action. In 2005 the film "The Last Leaf" entered two film festivals in Ukraine and one in Poland. In 2006 "The Last Leaf" was awarded in Hollywood at Gaffers (Global Arts Film Festival) with a silver prize. The film Festival included a cinema tour at: Rio-de-Janeiro, Sacramento, Hollywood, New York and Puerto Rico. Vladimir Zhilko was the first film director in Ukraine to receive an honor in Hollywood. Since April, "The Last Leaf" has been ranking leading in "Most popular" at the site minimovies.com. In 2007 Vladimir Zhilko completed his film "The Law of War". "The Law of War" has been selected for New York International Film and Video Festival. Vladimir Zhilko is a graduate cand. mag. Film Director in cinematography at the "Karpenko Karyi Cinema and Television State University" in Kiev. Since its foundation, Cinechofilm has participated in many projects; two of the most successful were the "The Last Leaf", awarded in 2006 at Gaffers (Global Arts Film Festival) with a silver prize, and "Duska" filmed by the famous film director from the Netherlands Joss Stelling. Members of Cinechofilm team proudly made this film possible and were awarded by this film representing the Netherlands at the Oscars Academy Award in the category "Best Foreign Film". In 2007 Cinechofilm Productions registered The Kiev International Film Festival (KIFF) with the World online Film Festival system Brigifest. This Festival includes short films and feature films from around the world. end of announcement euro adhoc =-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 04, 2008 09:16 ET (14:16 GMT)
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