Important Works “Rescued from Oblivion”
Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the world’s largest bookseller, announced today the launch of Barnes & Noble Rediscovers, a new publishing program that will return to print important and noteworthy books in affordable, high quality, hard cover editions. Each title will have newly designed covers and be completely reset in a modern readable typeface. The first 33 titles in the series are priced between $9.95 and $14.95 and are available in Barnes & Noble stores and online at Barnes & (
The first titles include a treasure trove of literary gems and classic works in the humanities and sciences including:
- DARWIN’S CENTURY by Loren Eiseley. 2009 is the bicentennial of Darwin’s birth. Eiseley is world-famous for his later humanist meditations on man’s place in nature. This book won the Phi Beta Kappa Award as the best book in science in 1959.
- THE PURSUIT OF THE MILLENNIUM by Norman Cohn. (Medieval History) Selected by the Times Literary Supplement as one of the 100 most influential works of nonfiction published since WWII.
- SHAKESPEARE AND THE GODDESS OF COMPLETE BEING by Ted Hughes. The only major book-length critical work by the former poet laureate of England (and Sylvia Plath’s husband).
- HISTORY IN ENGLISH WORDS by Owen Barfield. Barfield was a close friend of both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien—and a major influence on their work (as they have said.)
Stuart Miller, Executive Editor of the Rediscovers series and a long time Barnes & Noble publishing veteran, said, “We intend to be quite selective, but when you start digging into this it is astonishing how many worthwhile and important books are out of print.”
“The Barnes & Noble Rediscovers series opens a new door for us and a new window for writers and estates who have earned no income on their works for years. We plan to expand the capabilities of the program to include both eBook and print on demand options,” saidMarcus Leaver, President of Sterling Publishing, Barnes & Noble’s publishing subsidiary.
For more information on the Barnes & Noble Rediscovers series, please visit
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Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the world’s largest bookseller and a Fortune 500 company, operates 777 bookstores in 50 states. Barnes & Noble is the nation’s top bookseller brand for the sixth year in a row, as determined by a combination of the brand’s performance on familiarity, quality, and purchase intent; the top bookseller in quality for the second year in a row and the number two retailer in trust, according to the EquiTrend® Brand Study by Harris Interactive®. Barnes & Noble conducts its online business through Barnes & (, one of the Web’s largest e-commerce sites.
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