OFFICIAL RESERVE ASSETS AND OTHER FOREIGN CURRENCY ASSETS (as of Nov 30, 2009 in US$ million): A. Official reserve assets 96,133.2
(1) Foreign currency reserves
(in convertible foreign currencies) 85,990.5
(a) Securities 80,977.1
(b) Total currency and deposits with: 5,013.4
(i) other national central banks, BIS and IMF 1,497.1
(ii)banks headquartered in the reporting country nil
of which: located abroad nil
(iii)banks headquartered outside reporting country 3,516.3
(2) IMF reserve position 443.0 (3) SDRs 2,127.4 (4) Gold (including gold deposits and, if appropriate,
gold swapped) 1,167.2 (5) Other reserve assets (specify) 6,405.1
- financial derivatives nil
- loans to nonbank non-residents nil
- others 6,405.1 B. Other foreign currency assets (specify) 1,013.7
- securities not included in official reserve assets 13.7
- deposits not included in official reserve assets 1,000.0
(Reporting by Royce Cheah; Editing by Liau Y-Sing) Keywords: MALAYSIA ECONOMY/DETAILED (royce.cheah@thomsonreuters.com; +603 2333 8040; Reuters Messaging; royce.cheah.reuters.com@reuters.net; bureau email: areuters@gmail.com) COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2009. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.
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