When adjusted for seasonal factors, the unemployment rate stood at 4.1 percent after 4.2 percent in the previous month.
Jan 10 Dec 09 Jan 09
Jobless rate unadj. pct* 4.5 4.4 3.3
Jobless rate adj. pct** 4.1 4.2 3.0
Registered unemployed 175,765 172,740 128,430
Job vacancies 12,528 10,824 11,213
* = non-seasonally adjusted
** = seasonally adjusted, year-ago month as stated in the latest monthly statistical report of the Swiss National Bank
For more details from the SECO statement in German, Reuters 3000 Xtra users can click on:
'It's good, especially the seasonally adjusted numbers, which are falling for the first time in a while. We used to think there would be a turning point only in the middle of the year.
'However, the numbers in the winter months should be taken with caution because of the seasonal effects. If the conditions are good, construction can go ahead and there's more work.
'We're going to start thinking about projecting a somewhat earlier turning point. Unemployment is developing better than expected. We thought the decline in employment would have been bigger than it is.'
Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected the non-adjusted jobless rate at between 4.4 and 4.6 percent with the median of 8 forecasts at 4.6 percent.
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