Scholastic Home Furnishings Change Color on-the-Fly and Grow with a Child's Needs – All While Providing Ergonomic Health Benefits
Posture in Style, a distributor of ergonomic furniture designed specifically for children and their educational needs, today announced that it will be the first (and only) company in the USA to carry the innovative furniture line from moll Funktionsmöbel GmbH, a German craftsman company with a reputation for quality dating back to 1925. The high-end line provides a revolutionary approach to scholastic home furniture by offering desks, chairs and storage pieces that promote proper posture and embody unparalleled features. Designed to expand and grow with children as their needs (both physical and educational) change, the furniture system also accommodates their changing tastes with color accents that adapt on-the-fly.
Recognizing that one in five primary school students suffers from back pain and only one in three children demonstrates proper posture, the new furniture line from Posture in Style will help children during their formative years through proper ergonomics and isometrics1. All the desks and chairs are 100-percent adjustable. The patented "Comfort" feet allow the desks to always be at the right height to ensure good posture. The tiltable desktops accommodate the natural slant of the head, resulting in relaxed neck muscles and less tendency to assume a "hunchback position". The recessed computer monitor mounts provide the optimal viewing angle and distance to reduce eye strain. The swing-up keyboard trays reduce wrist strain and mitigating carpal tunnel syndrome. Even the chairs have been engineered with children's health in mind, featuring adjustable depth and height as well as oscillating backrest for proper spinal alignment.
Rather than replacing a child's furniture every few years, Posture in Style's line is fully adjustable to accompany children from pre-school to high school and beyond; this approach costs far less and offers families stronger value. Components, colors, motifs, and fabrics can be added or removed as needs change, ensuring the furniture to always be the right fit for the child.
Posture in Style was founded by Roger Lin, a CEO with a track record for building successful enterprises. The company was born out of his own family's need for stylish furniture that also enables a healthy lifestyle for their child. After searching far and wide, he found the solution abroad and recognized the market need in the United States. Posture in Style is dedicated to offering top-quality furniture that promotes children's well-being while creating optimum conditions for a lifetime of healthy learning.
For more information, visit www.postureinstyle.com or call 1-877-609-5688.
About Posture in Style:
Posture in Style is the first company in the USA to carry the innovative German furniture line from moll Funktionsmöbel GmbH, which began manufacturing in 1925. The revolutionary line of ergonomic, functional desks and chairs are made with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship, resulting in products that are aesthetically pleasing, feature rich and good for your health. Designed expressly for children, each piece of furniture grows as a child grows, ensuring proper posture and enabling healthy living throughout the child's development. To inquire about this exclusive line, please visit www.postureinstyle.com or call 1-877-609-5688.
1 Of or relating to muscular contraction that does not produce shortening of the muscle
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