- The victor in Turkish Cypriot elections said he believed negotiations with the Greek Cypriot side could begin in late May.
- Frustrated tourists stranded in Cyprus due to volcanic ash cloud struggle to find alternate routes home.
- Hoteliers speak of losses of up to 60,000 tourists to Cyprus due to the ash cloud which has grounded flights. National carrier Cyprus Airways estimates losses of 300,000 euros per day.
- Cyprus government takes precautionary measures 24 hours after elections in the Turkish-held north, while foreign governments rally to encourage new Turkish Cypriot leader to continue with peace talks.
- Cyprus's President Demetris Christofias urges new leader of Turkish Cypriot community to support a solution for a bizonal bicommunal federation.
- Emir of Qatar to sign a number of agreements with Cyprus President Demetris Christofias during visit to the island.
- Cyprus's fragile tourism sector, which has already been hammered by the global financial crisis, takes a new blow, this time with the volcanic ash cloud, which has grounded some 70,000 flights in a week. Hoteliers count losses of 2.5 million euros.
- Ankara sends a clear message to newly-elected leader of Turkish Cypriot community to continue with peace talks to find a solution to the Cyprus issue. Keywords: CYPRUS PRESS/ (Nicosia newsroom 357 22469674 fax 357 22662487) COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2010. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.
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