The cost of rescuing Anglo Irish Bank was cited by Standard & Poor's when it cut its credit rating on Ireland on Tuesday.
Minister of State Dara Calleary said the government was anxious to end uncertainty over Anglo Irish, also echoing comments from Ireland's national debt agency, which said S&P's methodology in valuing the state's bank costs was flawed.
'We have taken such issue with the judgment of Standard & Poor's ... quite publicly which is unusual for a government, to show that the fundamentals of our economy are still strong,' Calleary told public radio RTE.
(Reporting by Andras Gergely) Keywords: IRELAND RATING/ (andras.gergely@reuters.com; +35315001529; Reuters Messaging: andras.gergely.reuters.com@reuters.net) COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2010. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.
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