The 400-megawatt gas-powered project in Maarib province is funded by the Saudi Fund for Development, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, and the governments of Yemen and Oman, the agency said.
Yemen said last week that BHEL had won the bidding for the project, in which seven international companies took part, including firms from Saudi Arabia and South Korea.
(Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari; writing by Firouz Sedarat) Keywords: YEMEN BHEL/ Keywords: YEMEN BHEL/ Keywords: YEMEN BHEL/ (dubai.newsroom@thomsonreuters.com; +971 4 391 8301) COPYRIGHT Copyright Thomson Reuters 2011. All rights reserved. The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.
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