Gäste und Songs:
Muse: "Starlight"
Amy Winehouse: "Rehab"
The Raconteurs: "Broken Boy Soldiers"
John Legend: "Save Room"
Duke Special: "Portrait"
Muse: "Maps of the Problematique"
The Gipsy Kings: "Si Tu Me Quieres"
John Legend: "PDA (We Just Don't Care)"
Amy Winehouse & Jools: "Tenderly"
The Raconteurs: "Store Bought Bones"
Duke Special: "No Cover Up"
Amy Winehouse: "Tears Dry On Their Own"
Muse: "Knights of Cydonia"
Originaltext: ZDF Digitale Pressemappe: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/7840 Pressemappe via RSS : http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_7840.rss2
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