TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 06/11/12 -- Cineplex Entertainment (TSX: CGX) -
WHAT: Advance ticket sales for one of 2012's most anticipated films, The Dark Knight Rises, begin today at all participating Cineplex Entertainment box offices, through the Cineplex mobile apps and online at www.cineplex.com (mobile site: m.cineplex.com). The film opens in wide distribution on Friday, July 20, 2012.
Midnight screenings
Special midnight screenings of The Dark Knight Rises will be presented on the evening of Thursday, July 19 (12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 20), at select Cineplex Entertainment theatres.
New: Special reserved seating for The Dark Knight Rises
In addition to the reserved seating available through Cineplex's premium experiences - UltraAVX™, IMAX and VIP Cinemas - guests can now also purchase reserved seats for midnight presentations of The Dark Knight Rises in other auditoriums at select locations. Prices for premium experiences and reserved seating vary by auditorium type.
Batman trilogy marathons
Cineplex will present special marathon screenings of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, featuring Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, beginning at 6:40 p.m. on Thursday, July 19. This is the first time these films will be shown in digital format by a major Canadian theatre exhibitor. The marathon concludes with a 12:01 a.m. presentation of The Dark Knight Rises on Friday, July 20. Check www.cineplex.com for participating locations.
Private screenings and corporate rates
Private screenings and group rates are also available. For more information, call 1-800- 313-4461 or email corporatesales@cineplex.com.
About The Dark Knight Rises
After eight years of struggling with his new status as a wanted vigilante, Batman must contend with newcomers Catwoman and the brutal and villainous Bane.
WHERE: Participating Cineplex Entertainment theatres across Canada. Please visit www.cineplex.com for locations.
WHEN: Advance ticket sales begin Monday, June 11, 2012, at 12:00 p.m. The film opens in wide distribution on Friday, July 20, 2012.
Cineplex Entertainment
Pat Marshall
Vice President, Communications and Investor Relations
Cineplex Entertainment
Mike Langdon
Director, Communications