LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- In its first-in-a-series of new digital content, Playboy today releases "50 Years of the Playboy Interview" exclusively in Amazon's Kindle Store (www.amazon.com/kindlestore). Playboy has curated 50 of its best interviews from the past 50 years in a special 50 day promotion. A new Kindle interview title will be released each day and available for 99 cents beginning today.
The 50 Years of the Playboy Interview features one-of-a-kind in-depth, provocative interviews with the world's greatest celebrities and icons, such as Tina Fey, Francis Ford Coppola, Howard Stern, Fidel Castro and Robert DeNiro. In showcasing the remix of iconic Playboy with new digital content, each Kindle title includes a specially designed front and back cover with celebrity photos and revealing quotes.
Out this week are such profound interviews as:
- Miles Davis | Interview Date: September 1962 | Release Date: September 4, 2012
"In school I was the best, but the prizes went to boys with blue eyes. I made up my mind to outdo anybody white on my horn."
- Joe Namath | Interview Date: December 1969 | Release Date: September 5, 2012
"I don't expect to go to bed with every girl I meet. All I want is to get to know them and hope to get sexually involved."
- Martin Luther King | Interview Date: January 1965 | Release Date: September 6, 2012
"I wonder at men who dare to feel that they have some paternalistic right to set the timetable for another man's liberation."
- Jack Nicholson | Interview Date: January 2004 | Release Date: September 7, 2012
"Did I like being thought of as a rogue? Did I encourage it? There's another answer. It was good for business."
To collect and download the exclusive "50 Years of the Playboy Interview" titles, visit the Kindle Store.
Media Contact:
Ray Yeung / Nancy Zakhary
Brainerd Communicators, Inc.
(212) 986-6667
yeung@braincomm.com / nancy@braincomm.com
SOURCE Playboy