Seoul Design Foundation takes part in "Maison Objet" for 4 consecutive years
Seoul Design Foundation takes part in "Maison Objet 2013", one of the world's top 3 interior design exhibitions, for four consecutive years.

Art products planned to be displayed in "Maison Objet 2013" (Photo: Business Wire)
The world-prominent interior fair "Maison Objet" is held two times every year in January and September in Nord Villepinte of Paris, France. For the 2013 fair, Seoul Design Foundation plans to exhibit a variety of art works with an "environment-friendly' concept.
Seoul Design Foundation took a booth with a size of 60 m² for the exhibition. It will display more than 20 art works of rising designers and design companies. During the fair, the foundation will also promote DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) that will be opened in March of 2014 and Design Seoul.
Art products planned to be displayed include 'CLIP Pen' of Mozi Studio and 're tree soap' of Kim Jeong-ah which were appointed for the '2012 Turning Design Souvenir into Products'. Other designers among the 15 participants are Yang Hye-eun and Kim Jong-su who were selected as a designer for the '2012 Turning Design Ideas into Products'. Ecojun Company which was selected for the 'Maison Objet 2012' is also planned to put up a good show.
An insider of Seoul Design Foundation said, "Maison Objet of 2013 will be a great opportunity to put the spotlight on rising designers and design companies with good talents and strengthen 'design tag brands." "This will lead to contracts with world-prominent museum art shops for Korean design tags to be displayed and sold in foreign museum shops." He added.
Meanwhile, Seoul Design Foundation first participated in the fair in the year of 2010 using a joint exhibit hall called 'Seoul Designers' Pavilion Design Tag'. In the hall, it attracted the most amount of audience and received heated attention from organizers, foreign media and insiders.
Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20130904005777/en/
Seoul Design Foundation
Lee Marina, +82 2 3705 0041