WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Internationally renowned human rights lawyer Toby Cadman held a press conference at the National Press Club today to detail how the Bangladesh government has pushed the country to the brink of collapse with a combination of flawed prosecutions, kidnappings, alleged bribery and coercion in the run up to national elections next month.
Mr. Cadman informed that his client Adbul Qader Mollah has been executed at 10:01 pm Bangladesh time (11.01 AM EST). Mr. Cadman termed this is a deplorable act by a deplorable government. Mr. Cadman said that in the past 2 years he tried to make sure his client receives a fair trial, but Mr. Mollah didn't receive a fair trial. Mr. Mollah has been summarily executed and it can only be characterized as judicial murder.
Mr. Cadman said it is deeply regrettable that Bangladesh government didn't pay heed to numerous concerns and warnings by international community in order to make this process fair including Secretary of State John Kerry, UN high commissioner for Human Rights, Foreign Minister of UK, Prime Minister of Turkey, Human Rights Watch, EU subcommittee for human rights requesting Prime minister of Bangladesh that this process follows under the international jurisdiction. But Government has rushed to judgment and executed a man by breaching all international norms. This execution, in all likelihood, will derail the election process in Bangladesh.
Mr. Cadman also said that International community has to take responsibility for what happened today. He said he warned the international community about the consequences of what this event will bring. He urged to those whom he represent to exercise restraint and also urge Bangladesh government to not use force against any protest. He warned Bangladesh government that their response to this is under the watchful eye of international community particularly International Criminal court as Bangladesh is a state party to the Rome Stature.
Mr. Cadman also informed that the son of Mr. Mollah has been arrested and the authorities are not handing over the dead body to the family. He said Bangladesh has been supported politically and economically by number of strong nations, questions now has to be asked as to whether that support continues, whether diplomatic support continues in the same light.
Detail of the press conference can be found here.
SOURCEToby Cadman