"The rescinding of this corporate transaction will allow a more simplified structure in the Apetit Group's Food Business. Being a leading Finnish rainbow trout farmer, Taimen Oy will remain an important partner for us and will continue to be an associated company of Apetit," says Juha Vanhainen, CEO of Apetit Plc.
The ownership arrangement is planned for implementation during spring 2015. The buyback of Apetit Kala Oy shares requires the approval of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority.
Apetit Plc
Juha Vanhainen CEO
For more information: Juha Vanhainen, CEO, Apetit Plc, tel. +358 10 402 00
Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki Main media www.apetitgroup.fi
Delicious wellbeing. Apetit Plc is a Finnish food company whose mission is to offer delightfully satisfying flavours and service experiences. We are well known for our frozen vegetables and frozen ready meals, fresh fish and fish products, ready-to-use fresh fruit and vegetable products and grains and vegetable oils. The Group's shares are quoted in Nasdaq Helsinki. In 2014 our net sales was EUR 385 million and our average number of personnel was 723. www.apetitgroup.fi
Taimen Group is one of the oldest companies in the fish industry in Finland and the leading actor in the field in Finland and Sweden. The group is specialised in farming and processing rainbow trout, whitefish, and Saimaa Arctic charr, as well as fingerling production of lake trout, sea trout, lake salmon, Atlantic salmon, and Saimaa Arctic charr. Taimen Group has 30 fish processing plants in mainland Finland, Åland, and Sweden.The overall production of Taimen Group is about 8 million kg, which comprises of 60% of the total production of rainbow trout for food in Finland. Taimen Group is the only company in Finland that can provide fresh fish to wholesalers and further processors throughout the year.
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