SANTA CLARA, California, October 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --
Healthware International is honored to announce that our CEO and founder Roberto Ascione was recognized as Best Industry Leader at The Health 2.0 10 Year Global Retrospective Awards.
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For ten years, Health 2.0 has showcased and connected with thousands of technologies, companies, innovative thought leaders, and patient activists through many events and conferences. At this 10-year milestone, Health 2.0 wanted to take an opportunity to reflect on and recognize the accomplishments of this powerful community and movement, and thus launched a nomination and voting process to its members which culminated in this award.
Roberto Ascione's recognition by his industry peers comes after a career dedicated to health marketing and innovation that spans 20 years. Launched in 1997 by Mr. Ascione in Salerno, Italy, Healthware International has grown to a position of global leadership by partnering on digital projects with the world's top pharmaceutical companies and ushering in digital technologies and innovations in healthcare well before the rest of the industry caught up.
As of the last years, Healthware international has expanded its traditional activities beyond pharmaceutical marketing to include strategy consulting and marketing support for digital health startups, insurance companies and VC groups in a quest to create the type of collaborative partnerships and innovation ecosystem that the industry will need to grow into the next decade.
During the award ceremony, Mr. Ascione said that one of the most important recent developments in health innovation is the amount of attention and funding that is finally arrived from the investment community in the US, and the hope that this trend expands on a global scale. He also expressed his vision of what is required of the industry to continue to innovate over the next decade, which includes moving towards an open collaboration model. As the award was announced, Mr. Ascione was humbled by the honor received from his peers and subsequently paid tribute to all the women and men of Healthware International whose work and dedication over the years have been instrumental in bringing the dream of transforming healthcare one step closer to reality.
About Healthware International
Healthware International is a next-generation healthcare communications agency, combining in a unique blend consulting and creative services with innovation and technology capabilities able to deliver value to existing and emerging healthcare stakeholders. Established about twenty years ago in Italy, Healthware is now an independent global company consistently ranked among the top healthcare communications agencies worldwide, with presence in London, Milan, New York, Rome and Salerno.
For media inquiries:
Antonietta Pannella - Marketing & External Relations, Healthware International
E-mail: antonietta.pannella@healthwareinterantional.com
Mobile: +39-349-0648276
Gerry Chille - General Partner, HealthwareLabs US
E-mail: gerry.chille@healthwarelabs.com
Mobile: +1-917-7191911