Our Meal Replacement Products in Austria report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data (2000-2005), allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market - be they new product developments, distribution or pricing issues. Forecasts to 2010 illustrate how the market is set to change.
Product coverage: slimming products, convalescence drinks and meal replacement products.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report?
-- Get a detailed picture of the meal replacement products industry
-- Pinpoint trends and identify factors driving change
-- Understand the competitive environment, the market's major players and leading brands
-- Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop
With a network of over 600 analysts worldwide, we have a unique capability to develop reliable information resources to help drive informed strategic planning.
Topics Covered
-- 2.1 Food Consumption
-- 2.2 Foodservice Trends
-- 2.3 Health and Wellness
-- 3.1 Market Performance
-- 3.2 Competitive Environment
-- 3.3 Leading Company Profile - Berglandmilch reg GenmbH
-- 3.4 Leading Company Profile - Niederosterreichische Milch Holding AG (Nom)
-- 3.5 Leading Company Profile - Manner & Comp AG, Josef
-- 3.6 Leading Company Profile - The Kelly Company
-- 3.7 Foodservice: Cash and Carries Dominate Distribution
-- 3.8 Retail Distribution
-- 3.9 Retailer Activity and Private Label Trends
-- 3.10 Forecast Market Performance
-- 4.1 Sector Performance
-- 4.2 Retail Distribution
Greater fragmentation of consumer demand
Given the diversity of packaged food, it is not easy to single out all-encompassing trends that drive sales across many areas. Also, consumer demand is diversifying and many opposing trends exist simultaneously. For example, private label products thrive alongside premium products and wellness-oriented products thrive alongside enjoyment-oriented products.
Companies Mentioned Include:
Eskimo Iglo GmbH - Hofer GmbH & Co KG - Berglandmilch GmbH - Kraft Foods Osterreich GmbH - Osterreichische Unilever GmbH - Rewe Austria AG - Ferrero oHG - Niederosterreichische Milch Holding AG - Nestle Osterreich GmbH - Spar Osterreichische Warenhandels AG - Gebruder Woerle GesmbH - Danone GesmbH Austria - Wrigley Austria GesmbH - Tirol Milch - Masterfoods Austria OHG - Bahlsen GmbH - Manner & Comp AG, Josef - Ankerbrot AG - Kelly GmbH - Storck GmbH - Billa AG - Felix Austria GmbH - Olz AG, Rudolf - Radatz Fleischwaren- - Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH - Tann Fleischwarenindustrie- & Handels GmbH - Inzersdorfer Nahrungsmittelwerke GmbH - Haribo Lakritzen Hans Riegel Betriebs GmbH - Milupa GmbH & Co KG - Lindt & Sprungli Austria GmbH - Frosta Tiefkuhlkost GmbH - Hipp GmbH - Oetker GmbH - Kellogg Osterreich GmbH - Wolf GmbH & Co KG, Joseph - Adolf Darbo AG - Handl Tyrol GmbH - Landhof GmbH & Co KG - Johann Kotanyi GmbH - Maggi GmbH - Josef Recheis GmbH - Efko Feinsaure Konserven GmbH & Co KG - Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese GmbH & Co KG - Stastnik GmbH & Co KG - Alpenmilch Salzburg GmbH - Griesson de Beukelaer GmbH & Co KG - Alma GmbH - Procter & Gamble Austria GmbH - Campina GmbH - Wiesbauer GmbH - Wagner Tiefkuhlprodukte GmbH - Molkerei Alois Muller GmbH & Co KG - Mautner Markhof AG - Gmundner Molkerei Genossenschaft GmbH - Reiter Fleischwaren GmbH - Privatkaserei Rupp - Jomo Zuckerbackerei GesmbH - Vereinigte Fettwarenindustrie GmbH KG - Harry-Brot GmbH - SpA E Galbini Melzo - Importhaus Schenkel GmbH - Ritter Sport-Schokolade GmbH - Princes Foods BV - McCain Foods GmbH - Ricola AG - Wendeln Brot und Backwaren GmbH & Co KG - Bioquelle Klaus Losch GmbH - Almlieslfrisch GmbH - Gemuseverarbeitung AG - Maresi Markenartikelvertrieb AG & Co KG - Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH & Co KG Germany - VOG AG - Scholler Lebensmittel GmbH - Chupa Chups (Grupo) SA - Barilla Austria GmbH - Kuhne Feinkost GmbH - Staud GmbH - Landfrisch Molkerei - Artisanal
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