As part of the Ulysses Odyssey Project, a not-for-profit event spearheaded by Harley-Davidson of Atlanta and designed to benefit the American Cancer Society, Chris Carr is out to fight cancer and set a world record on his 2008 Buell Ulysses XB12X motorcycle, and SensorLogic, the pioneer of intelligent asset management solutions, along with TrackingTheWorld, a leading provider of GPS tracking equipment and services, will be along for the ride. SensorLogic enabled the XBI2X motorcycle with communications via SensorLogic's Hybrid Wireless Data Network and the WorldTracker SMS product from solution partner TrackingTheWorld. Together, SensorLogic and TrackingTheWorld are making it possible to monitor Carr's location and safety as he attempts to travel 17,000 miles from Argentina to Alaska.
"SensorLogic is honored to be sponsoring this historic ride designed to raise awareness and support for the American Cancer Society," said SensorLogic CEO, Dale Booth. "With location-based services from SensorLogic and TrackingTheWorld, fans will be able to track Chris' progress as he travels across several countries and a variety of terrains."
Carr, who works at Harley-Davidson of Atlanta, began the ride on Aug. 21, 2007 in Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost part of South America, and will travel some 17,000 miles in less than 21 days to finish his trip in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, the northernmost part of North America.
"TrackingTheWorld is proud to enable Chris Carr with real-time, on-demand reporting of his Transamerica motorcycle ride to support the American Cancer Society and the important work they do," said TrackingTheWorld CEO Gilbert Walz. "With the use of our WorldTracker SMS product, fans will be able to view Chris' progress in real-time at TrackingTheWorld.com as he rides to set a new Transamerica motorcycle record."
During the trip, Carr will cross 13 countries and terrains ranging from jungles and mountains to deserts and cities. Once completed, Carr will have set a new Transamerica motorcycle record for shortest number of days to complete a Transamerica motorcycle ride.
"Chris is undertaking this journey in honor of his mother's perseverance and determination in her fight against breast cancer," said Larry Marquit, director of project marketing and communications for the Ulysses Odyssey Project. "It's a noble cause, and we're grateful to have wonderful sponsors like SensorLogic and TrackingTheWorld looking out for Chris's safety and supporting the success of this trip."
Interested individuals can find out more information and track Carr's progress on http://www.twowheeladventures.com.
About SensorLogic
SensorLogic is a pioneer in the intelligent asset management market. The company's virtual operating system framework enables remote tracking, monitoring and control of intelligent assets anywhere in the world. Using this framework, customers can improve their businesses by extending the life of their assets, creating new revenue streams, reducing costs, minimizing risk or setting themselves apart from their competitors. SensorLogic has a proven track record of helping blue-chip customers in vertical industries such as agribusiness, energy, manufacturing and transportation, to generate service applications that improve their businesses. The company is based in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please visit http://www.sensorlogic.com/.
About TrackingTheWorld
TrackingTheWorld provides GPS technology to the World, tracking in real time anything that is on the move - cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and high value shipments, from your computer, PDA or cell phone. TrackingTheWorld specializes in producing customized GPS solutions for private and business use. Many people are familiar with GPS tracking systems for cars and boats, but TrackingTheWorld is taking the possibilities of GPS to new heights. The company's global tracking systems are designed to increase productivity, heighten security and expand the reach of your business as far as you want to take it. For more information, please visit http://www.trackingtheworld.com.