Press release For immediate release on 7th September, 2007 Candover Investments plc Interim results for the half year ended 30th June, 2007 Financial highlights: - Net assets per share increased by 23.0% over the six months to 30th June, 2007 and 34.7% since 30th June, 2006. FTSE All-Share Index increased 5.7% and 14.7% over the corresponding time periods - Net assets per share were 1848p, compared to 1503p at 31st December, 2006 and 1372p at 30th June, 2006 - Interim profits before tax of £10.6 million (2006: £10.1 million) - Interim dividend increased 11.1% to 20.0p (2006: 18.0p) - Ten year compound growth in net assets per share of 13.9% per annum; FTSE All-Share Index growth over the same period of 4.5% - Private placement of approximately £150.0 million of debt provisionally agreed, to diversify sources of funding Operating highlights: - Three new investments made during the period; the buyouts of Ferretti and Parques Reunidos which were referred to in the preliminary announcement, and the buyout of Capital Safety Group, a global player in the fall protection market - Two significant partial realisations during the period - Vetco Gray and Wellstream (which listed on the London Stock Exchange) - and a further four full realisations achieved or announced since the period end - DM&E, Bureau van Dijk, Aibel (the remaining Vetco subsidiary) and Thule - Two significant refinancings - Innovia Films and Get - both of which took place in May - In the year to date, total realisation proceeds have amounted to £130.3 million Gerry Grimstone, Chairman of Candover Investments plc, commented: "Candover's impressive net asset increase during 2007 to date has been driven in part by a number of significant realisations from the maturing 2001 Fund portfolio. Looking forward, however, it is unlikely that the pace of realisations will continue in the short to medium term, as the current volatility in the banking markets makes transactions more difficult to accomplish. But provided we can find suitable opportunities, this could be a good period for investing if lower pricing benefits can be achieved." Ends. For further information, please contact: Gerry Grimstone Chairman, Candover Investments plc +44 207 489 9848 Colin Buffin Managing Director, Candover Partners Limited +44 207 489 9848 Peter Hewer/Susanna Voyle Tulchan Communications +44 207 353 4200 Chairman's statement For the half year to 30th June, 2007 Introduction Candover has continued to make excellent progress. Our net assets per share increased by 23.0% over the six months to 30th June, 2007 compared with an increase of 5.7% in the FTSE All-Share Index over the same period. This uplift was principally due to revaluations of investee companies and gains from companies which have either been realised or partially exited in the year to date. At 30th June, 2007, the unaudited net assets attributable to the ordinary shares were £403.8 million compared to £328.5 million at 31st December, 2006. Net assets per share were 1848p compared to 1503p at 31st December, 2006, and 1372p at 30th June, 2006. This represents increases of 23.0% and 34.7% respectively. Investments In total, Candover invested £55.3 million during the six months to 30th June, 2007 in three significant new investments and five follow-on financings. In January 2007, as reported at the year end, Candover and the 2005 Fund completed the buyout of Ferretti, a luxury yacht manufacturer. Candover invested £32.3 million and the 2005 Fund invested £195.5 million in the transaction. In March, Candover and the 2005 Fund completed the buyout of Parques Reunidos, a theme park operator. Candover invested £7.5 million and the 2005 Fund invested £45.5 million, with deferred consideration of up to £79.5 million to be invested by Candover and the 2005 Fund in 2008-2010. In June, Candover and the 2005 Fund completed the buyout of Capital Safety Group, a global player in the fall protection market. Candover invested £11.5 million and the 2005 Fund invested £68.5 million. Since the period end, Parques Reunidos has signed an agreement to acquire Palace Entertainment Inc, the largest operator of water parks and family entertainment centres in the United States. This acquisition represents a major step in Parques Reunidos' strategy of becoming a leading player in the global leisure parks market. Candover and the 2005 Fund will invest between US$130-150 million, the final amount depending on the eventual financing structure. Realisations Candover and its managed funds achieved realisation proceeds totalling £443.8 million during the period; Candover's share was £51.6 million. Since the period end, a further £519.0 million has been agreed, of which Candover's share is £78.7 million. As reported at the year end, in January, Candover made a partial exit from Vetco International through the sale of its subsidiary, Vetco Gray. The sale resulted in proceeds of £14.3 million for Candover and £132.9 million for the 2001 Fund. Since the period end, the remaining subsidiary, Aibel, has been sold, resulting in proceeds of £4.5 million for Candover and £40.9 million for the 2001 Fund. In total, the investment has returned cash equivalent to 4.1 times the original investment. In April, Wellstream listed on the London Stock Exchange at 320p per share. At the listing, Wellstream repaid the loan stock representing a significant proportion of the cost of the original investment and Candover also sold 4.3 million of its shares. The loan repayment and share sale resulted in £173.6 million being realised in cash, £17.6 million for Candover and £156.0 million for the 2001 Fund. Candover's residual holding of 1.3 million shares is valued at £5.6 million and the 2001 Fund's holding is valued at £51.6 million. Refinancings of Innovia Films and Get took place in May. Innovia Films returned almost all of the original investment, while Get returned approximately half of the original investment. Since the period end, in addition to the sale of Aibel, we have achieved a full exit from Thule, and announced the sales of Bureau van Dijk and our stake in Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corporation (DM&E). The sale of Thule resulted in proceeds of £30.8 million for Candover and £262.9 million for the 2001 Fund (excluding short term bridging finance provided). The sale of Bureau van Dijk, which is due to complete in October, will return approximately £16.0 million to Candover and £136.8 million to the 2001 Fund. The sale of our interest in DM&E marks the end of a 21 year investment period; we originally invested in 1986. The company is merging with Canadian Pacific and the transaction is expected to close in the next 30 to 60 days. The total price being paid for DM&E is US$1.48 billion payable at closing, with future contingent payments of up to approximately US$1.0 billion if certain performance criteria are met prior to 31st December, 2025. Candover's investment has been written up to £27.4 million reflecting the estimated initial net consideration. No value has been ascribed to the deferred consideration, given the conditional nature of the proceeds. Candover's maximum entitlement to the deferred consideration is US$80 million. Results for the six months to 30th June, 2007 The increase in net assets of £75.3 million since 31st December, 2006 was mainly due to a net increase in the valuation of our portfolio companies, with £42.8 million of the uplift coming from investments either valued at disposal proceeds or listed price. The 2001 Fund continues to do well and the value ascribed to Candover's share of the carried interest in the 2001 Fund was increased by £9.5 million (43p per share) to £18.0 million. Profits before tax for the six months under review were £10.6 million, compared to £10.1 million for the first half of 2006. This growth has come from increased investment and other income. The valuation of financial investments at 30th June, 2007 was £378.4 million, compared to £295.3 million at 31st December, 2006. This valuation of £378.4 million was calculated having taken into account new investments, net of realisations, of £12.7 million, and a net increase of £70.4 million in the valuation of investments. Cash and liquid assets, net of loans of £11.5 million, totalled £7.0 million compared with £29.7 million at 31st December, 2006. Dividends The Board has decided to increase the interim dividend by 11.1% to 20.0p per ordinary share compared to 18.0p per ordinary share last year. The dividend will be paid on 17th October, 2007 to shareholders on the register at 21st September, 2007. Financing We have previously made clear that we intend to maintain our position as one of the leading pan-European private equity houses. In order to diversify our sources of funding and to maintain flexibility for the future, we have provisionally agreed, subject to final documentation, a debt private placement of approximately £150.0 million of senior notes with maturities of seven and eight years. The financing is due to be completed in early November. Board and staff We have hired two experienced individuals during the half year as part of our strategy to expand our capabilities around the deal team. Jim Graham joins the portfolio management team from Orange, and Kit Tuke joins as a debt specialist from Barclays Capital. I am very sad to report that Nicolas Lethbridge, who had been on the Board of Candover since January 2003, died on 16th August, 2007 following an accidental fall. Because of his wisdom, experience, and good humour, Nico was a tremendous asset to us and we will miss him very much. Our greatest sympathy and condolences go to his family. Prospects The current volatility in the banking markets has reduced the availability of bank finance for leveraged transactions, and this is likely to have an impact on both the pricing of transactions and the level of activity in the private equity market. The lower debt multiples will probably result in lower prices; this could cause potential vendors, including ourselves, to delay selling businesses in the expectation that we will see the banking market, and therefore pricing, recover in the short to medium term. As a result, whilst we have achieved a high number of realisations in the first half of this year, we do not expect to see this repeated in the second half. However, provided we can find suitable opportunities, this should be a good period for investing if the benefits of lower pricing materialise. We remain confident in the outlook for Candover. G E Grimstone Chairman 7th September, 2007 20 largest investments as at 30th June, 2007 Investment Geography Date of Cost of Directors' Effective % of Basis of investment investment valuation equity Candover's valuation interest net assets £000 £000 (fully diluted) Ferretti Italy Jan 2007 32,288 33,193 5.5% 8.2% Cost Luxury yacht manufacturer Thule Sweden Dec 2004 17,276 32,497 6.7% 8.0% Sale Proceeds Sports utility transportation Gala Coral UK Mar 24,775 31,977 1.8% 7.9% Multiple 2003/Oct of Retail gaming 2005 earnings DX Group UK Sep 2006 28,038 28,038 9.4% 6.9% Cost Mail services Dakota, US Sep 1986 888 27,403 7.9% 6.8% Sale Minnesota & proceeds Eastern Railroad Corporation Railroads Hilding Anders Sweden Dec 2006 27,418 26,923 7.8% 6.7% Cost Bed manufacturer Springer Germany Jan/Sep 573 26,096 4.0% 6.5% Multiple Science + 2003 of Business Media earnings Academic publisher EurotaxGlass's Switzerland Jun 2006 17,397 17,026 9.1% 4.2% Multiple of Automotive earnings data intelligence Bureau van Netherlands Nov 2004 7,788 15,972 6.3% 4.0% Sale Dijk proceeds Electronic Publishing Electronic publishing ALcontrol UK Dec 2004 13,202 12,867 6.8% 3.2% Multiple Group of earnings Laboratory testing Get Norway Jan 2006 8,844 12,712 9.4% 3.1% Multiple of Cable TV earnings Qioptiq UK Dec 9,739 11,954 8.6% 3.0% Multiple 2005/Oct of Optical 2006 earnings engineering Capital Safety UK Jun 2007 11,504 11,287 6.9% 2.8% Cost Group Fall protection equipment Aspen US Jun 2002 6,814 9,533 0.9% 2.4% Market Insurance price Holdings Reinsurance Wood Mackenzie UK Jul 2005 82 7,891 4.1% 2.0% Multiple of Energy earnings research Parques Spain Mar 2007 7,489 7,435 5.6% 1.8% Cost Reunidos Attraction parks Equity Trust UK May 2003 6,787 6,526 5.4% 1.6% Multiple Holdings of earnings Trust services Wellstream UK Mar 2003 15 5,622 1.4% 1.4% Market price Oil & gas pipeline Innovia Films UK Sep 2004 2,459 5,102 8.0% 1.3% Multiple of Speciality earnings film Vetco UK July 2004 0 4,450 2.5% 1.1% Sale International proceeds Oil & gas services Investments - analysis by value Investments by valuation method Multiple of earnings 34% Cost 37% Sale price 24% Stock market price 5% Investments by region United Kingdom 38% Scandinavia 21% Italy 10% Americas 11% Germany 8% Switzerland 5% Benelux 5% Spain 2% Investments by sector Industrials 38% Support services 29% Media 16% Leisure 12% Financials 5% Investments by age Less than 1 year 32% 1 to 2 years 15% 2 to 3 years 21% 3 to 4 years 8% 4 to 5 years 13% More than 5 years 11% Independent review report of the auditors to Candover Investments plc Introduction We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30th June, 2007 which comprises Group income statement, Statement of recognised income and expenses, Group balance sheet, Group cash flow statement and the related notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements. This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in APB Statements of Standards for Reporting Accountants International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410'. Our review work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to them in a review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusion we have formed. Directors' responsibilities The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union. Our responsibility Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review. Scope of review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30th June, 2007 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Listing Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority. Grant Thornton UK LLP Chartered accountants London 7th September, 2007 Note 1 The maintenance and integrity of the Candover Investments plc website is the responsibility of the directors: the interim review does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the company's reporting accountants accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the interim report since it was initially presented on the website. Note 2 Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of the interim report may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. Group income statement for the period ended 30th June, 2007 Unaudited Six months to 30th June, Six months to 30th June, Year to 31st December, 2007 2006 2006 Revenue Capital Total* Revenue Capital Total* Revenue Capital Total* £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains on financial investments and cash equivalents at fair value through profit and loss Realised gains and - 9,520 9,520 - 7,587 7,587 - 14,249 14,249 losses Unrealised gains and - 70,545 70,545 - 16,047 16,047 - 38,029 38,029 losses - 80,065 80,065 - 23,634 23,634 - 52,278 52,278 Revenue Management fees from managed funds 18,855 - 18,855 19,547 - 19,547 39,454 - 39,454 Investment and other income 10,688 - 10,688 10,121 - 10,121 21,007 - 21,007 Total revenue 29,543 - 29,543 29,668 - 29,668 60,461 - 60,461 Administrative (18,934) (5,296) (24,230) (19,533) (4,157) (23,690) (39,841) (8,315) (48,156) expenses Profit before finance costs and taxation 10,609 74,769 85,378 10,135 19,477 29,612 20,620 43,963 64,583 Interest payable and similar charges (10) (260) (270) (14) - (14) (12) (222) (234) Profit before 10,599 74,509 85,108 10,121 19,477 29,598 20,608 43,741 64,349 taxation Taxation (3,308) 1,522 (1,786) (2,952) 1,247 (1,705) (6,231) 2,560 (3,671) Profit attributable to equity shareholders 7,291 76,031 83,322 7,169 20,724 27,893 14,377 46,301 60,678 Earnings per ordinary share Basic and diluted 33.3p 347.9p 381.2p 32.8p 94.8p 127.6p 65.8p 211.8p 277.6p Dividends paid (£000) 7,918 - 7,918 7,002 - 7,002 11,008 - 11,008 An interim dividend in respect of 2007 of 20p per ordinary share, amounting to a total dividend of £4,371,000, is proposed. This dividend is not reflected in the interim financial statement. * The total column represents the Income Statement under IFRS. Statement of recognised income and expenses for the period ended 30th June, 2007 Unaudited Six months Six months to Year to to 30th June, 31st 30th June, December, 2007 2006 2006 £000 £000 £000 Profit attributable to equity 83,322 27,893 60,678 shareholders Exchange differences on translation (40) (6) (11) of foreign operations Total recognised income and expenses 83,282 27,887 60,667 Reconciliation of movements in equity for the period ended 30th June, 2007 Unaudited Six months to Six months to Year to 30th June, 30th June, 31st December 2007 2006 2006 £000 £000 £000 Opening total equity 328,521 380,261 380,261 Total recognised income and 83,282 27,887 60,667 expenses Return of cash (66) (101,313) (101,374) Dividends (7,918) (7,002) (11,033) Closing total equity 403,819 299,833 328,521 Group balance sheet at 30th June, 2007 Unaudited 30th June, 2007 30th June, 2006 31st December, 2006 Notes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Non-current assets Property, plant and 3,311 915 1,679 equipment Financial investments designated at fair value 3 through profit and loss Investee companies 359,313 213,879 284,336 Other financial 19,051 7,005 10,927 investments 378,364 220,884 295,263 Trade and other - 4,460 1,141 receivables Deferred tax asset 4,894 3,026 4,737 386,569 229,285 302,820 Current assets Trade and other 33,782 15,628 29,616 receivables Cash and cash 18,482 79,935 63,437 equivalents 52,264 95,563 93,053 Current liabilities Trade and other (21,548) (22,917) (29,655) payables Loans and borrowings (11,523) - (33,735) Current tax liabilities (1,943) (2,098) (3,962) (35,014) (25,015) (67,352) Net current assets 17,250 70,548 25,701 Net assets 403,819 299,833 328,521 Equity attributable to equity holders Called up share capital 5,464 5,464 5,464 Share premium account 1,232 1,232 1,232 Translation reserve (59) (14) (19) Capital redemption 499 499 499 reserve Capital reserve - 253,731 222,672 226,894 realised Capital reserve - 105,555 35,133 56,427 unrealised Revenue reserve 37,397 34,847 38,024 Total equity 403,819 299,833 328,521 Net asset value per 1848p 1372p 1503p share Group cash flow statement for the period ended 30thJune, 2007 Unaudited Six months to Six months to Year to 30th June, 2007 30th June, 2006 31st December, 2006 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from operations (627) 9,278 12,261 Interest paid (295) (14) (293) Tax paid (3,962) (5,967) (7,780) Net cash from operating (4,884) 3,297 4,188 activities Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and (1,841) (188) (1,405) equipment Purchase of financial investments (55,334) (35,298) (96,144) Sale of property, plant and - 29 12 equipment Sale of financial investments 52,852 26,698 43,756 Net cash from investing (4,323) (8,759) (53,781) activities Cash flows from financing activities Equity dividends paid (7,918) (7,002) (11,008) Return of cash (5,064) (96,234) (96,367) Loans and borrowings (22,212) - 33,735 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (44,401) (108,698) (123,233) Opening cash and cash equivalents 63,437 189,392 189,392 Effect of exchange rates and revaluation on cash and cash equivalents (554) (759) (2,722) Closing cash and cash equivalents 18,482 79,935 63,437 Notes to the financial statements Note 1 - General information The information for the year ended 31st December, 2006 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985. Comparative figures for 31st December, 2006 are taken from the full accounts, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and contain an unqualified audit report. Note 2 - Basis of accounting The Group financial statements are prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. This statement has been prepared using accounting policies and presentation consistent with those applied in the preparation of the accounts for the Group for the year ended 31st December, 2006, and in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting'. Note 3 - Financial investments designated at fair value through profit and loss Six months to Six months to Year to 30th June, 30th June, 31st December 2007 2006 2006 £000 £000 £000 Opening valuation 295,263 187,875 187,875 Additions at cost 55,334 35,298 96,144 Disposals (42,606) (18,077) (28,419) Appreciation 70,373 15,788 39,663 Closing valuation 378,364 220,884 295,263 Other financial investments' comprise the Company's valuation of its investment as a Special Limited Partner in managed funds. Note 4 - Return of cash Following the return of cash in May 2006, the outstanding C shares (1,093,460) were purchased during the period. END
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