- A coalition of international corporations establishes an action-oriented forum to advance the protection of wilderness areas
- 9th World Wilderness Congress November 6-13, 2009 in Mérida, Mexico
Fifteen corporations demonstrated their leadership and commitment to wilderness conservation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding for a Corporate Commitment to Wilderness (CCW) at the 9th World Wilderness Congress (WILD9). The CCW is an initiative of The WILD Foundation (WILD), the only international organization dedicated entirely to international wilderness protection. The CCW's mission is to collaboratively grow the capacities of the private sector to implement united actions that ensure the protection of biodiversity and wild places that are central to life itself.
In recognition of the signing of the MOU, Armando J. García, Executive Vice President of Technology, Energy and Sustainability for CEMEX, said: “The time is right for creating momentum through collective dialogue and united action of like-minded corporate leaders to help protect wild landscapes, and thereby sustain their ecological services that support a healthy and prosperous society. The corporate world depends upon sustainable natural resources and healthy ecosystems. Collectively we can analyze and adopt best practices to preserve them while meeting our consumer and corporate objectives.”
Vance Martin, president of The WILD Foundation added: “There is a clear business case for sustainable development in industry. Protecting wilderness and nature ensures the maintenance of vital ecosystem services such as climate regulation (through carbon sequestration), freshwater, clean air and biodiversity. Participation in the CCW offers the opportunity to demonstrate corporate leadership and commitment to the conservation of Earth's natural resources.”
Some of the areas of common interest for developing long-term goals and objectives of the CCW are:
- protecting wilderness land and seas for the long-term,
- promoting public-private sector partnerships for wilderness,
- promoting the importance of wilderness values,
- advocating for wilderness recognition and legislation,
- providing outreach and education on the role of wilderness for ecosystem services,
- increasing awareness of the direct link between wilderness, biodiversity and a stable climate.
The CCW initiative resulted from the collaboration of CEMEX, a global building materials company and WILD. CEMEX underscored its history of leadership in conservation initiatives by launching a flagship project El Carmen, a trans-boundary biological corridor located along the Mexico-United States border. During the 8th World Wilderness Congress in Anchorage, Alaska in 2005, CEMEX designated a strategic area (approximately 10,000 ha) of El Carmen as the first wilderness designation for Mexico and Latin America (which is now been increased to more than 20,000 ha). The positive reaction to this announcement motivated CEMEX to collaborate with WILD to promote the participation of other corporations in wilderness conservation.
CEMEX hosted a workshop on September 9 and 10, 2009 at its corporate offices in Monterrey, Mexico, with a group of leading corporations from a variety of industry sectors. During the workshop, the business case for protecting wilderness was presented by recognized experts in wilderness, conservation and ecosystem services:
- Vance Martin, President of The WILD Foundation
- Exequiel Ezcurra, Director of the UC-Mexus at the University of California and WILD9 Executive Committee Chairman
- Adriana Nelly Correa, ITESM University Professor and President of the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
- Jorge Soberon, Senior Scientist at the University of Kansas
- Carlos Muñoz, General Director for environmental politics and economy at Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Mexico.
WILD recognizes the positive contributions and leadership role that corporations play in demonstrating good stewardship of the land. For more information about the CCW please visit The WILD Foundation website, or go directly to the CCW webpage: http://www.wild.org/corporate-commitment/
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WILD9 is a partnership between The WILD Foundation and Unidos para la Conservación and relies on the support and participation of many partner organizations.
The WILD Foundation (www.wild.org)Founded in 1974, WILD is the only international organization dedicated entirely and explicitly to wilderness protection around the world. WILD works to protect the planet's last wild places and the wildlife and people who depend upon them, because wilderness areas provide essential social, spiritual, biological and economic benefits. We believe that intact wilderness areas are an essential core element of a healthy modern society.
Unidos para la Conservación (www.undiosparalaconservacion.org) Founded in 1992, Unidos is a nonprofit Mexican conservation organization that has actively promoted the concept of wilderness conservation in Mexico. Its working strategy combines the establishment of alliances with government, non-profit and corporate partners with the promotion of a conservation culture through publications and films in a search of conservation solutions through specific action.
ACCIONA (www.ACCIONA.es) ACCIONA is one of the main Spanish corporations that operate in infrastructures, energy, water and services in more than 30 countries. Its motto “Pioneers in development and sustainability” reflect its commitment in all activities to contribute to the economic growth, the social progress and the protection of the surroundings. ACCIONA is leader of his sector in Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and reached sales of 12,665 million Euros in 2008. ACCIONA quote in selective index IBEX-35 of the Spanish stock market (ANA.MC).
ALFA (www.alfa.com.mx), Mexican company comprising four business groups: Alpek (petrochemicals), Nemak (aluminum auto components), Sigma (refrigerated food) and Alestra (telecommunications). ALFA is the world's leading manufacturer of high-tech aluminum engine heads and blocks. It is one of the world's largest producers of PTA, a petrochemical product, and has a leading market share in other petrochemicals in Mexico. In addition, ALFA is Mexico's leading producer of processed meats and cheese and one of the most important telecommunications services companies in Mexico.
BIMBO (www.grupobimbo.com) Grupo Bimbo is the leading baked goods company is the world. It has 99 plants strategically located in 18 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Their product line includes bread, rolls, crackers, pies, packed goods, tortillas, salty snacks, and pastries, among others. Grupo Bimbo produces more than 5,000 Sku's, and has one of the largest distribution networks in the world, with over 41,000 routes and more than 102,000 associates. Grupo Bimbo strictly adheres to the guidelines of the World Health Organization's Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity, and Health.
CEMEX (www.cemex.com)Founded in 1906, CEMEX is a growing global building materials company that provides high quality products and reliable service to customers and communities in more than 50 countries throughout the world. CEMEX has a rich history of improving the well-being of those it serves through its efforts to pursue innovative industry solutions and efficiency advancements and to promote a sustainable future.
Coca-Cola (www.coca-colamexico.com.mx) The world's largest beverage company, is refreshing Mexican consumers since 1926 with more than 60 brands and 200 products. The Coca-Cola Company is the worldwide No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, juices, juice drinks, ready-to-drink teas and coffees. Consumers in 206 countries enjoy the Company's beverages at a rate of nearly 1.6 billion servings a day. With an enduring commitment to building sustainable communities, Coca-Cola is focused on initiatives that protect the environment, conserve resources and enhance the economic development of the communities where they operate.
Cooper / T. Smith de México (www.coopertsmith.com) Since 1998 operates and manages a bonded public use cargo terminal for handling bulk minerals and general cargo in the Port of Altamira, Mexico. The company offers its clients the best quality service and searches for continuous improvement in its operations to ensure the highest standards of excellence, employing superior equipment, expertise and responsiveness. The terminal works together with the Port of Altamira in their environmental protection initiatives.
FEMSA (http://www.femsa.com/es/) is the leading beverage company in Latin America. It controls an integrated beverage platform that comprises Coca-Cola FEMSA, the largest Coca-Cola bottler in the region; FEMSA Cerveza, one of the leading brewers in Mexico, with presence in Brazil, and an important beer exporter to the United States and other countries; and Oxxo, the largest and fastest growing convenience store chain in Mexico with over 7,000 stores.
FERROMEX (www.ferromex.com.mx) is a leading and largest freight railroad company in Mexico,started operations in 1998 as a private concession to offer a world class service to customers. Railroads are the safest and most environmentally friendly form of ground transportation so that Ferromex is committed to care for the environment and contribute to a sustainable future.
FRESNILLO PLC (www.fresnilloplc.com) made its debut on the London Stock Exchange in 2008 following a successful, profitable and decades-long track record as a mining company with proven expertise in the mining value chain, from exploration through mine development and operation. Being the world's largest primary silver producer and Mexico's second largest gold producer, the company is committed to the implementation of best practices in health, safety, sustainable development and social responsibility.
LTH batteries (www.lth.com.mx) The Soul of your Automobile, offers drivers not only cutting edge technology but technology in harmony with the environment. LTH is battery developed under certified processes that result in a world wide quality product. LTH is a Johnson Control's brand, a global leader in power solutions, and also provides batteries for automobiles and hybrid electric vehicles, along with systems engineering and service expertise. Johnson Controls (NYSE: JOHNSON CONTROLS) founded in 1855, is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
PLENUS Currently invests in the following sectors: Education for Profit, Financial Services, Biosciences, Molded Packaging and Infrastructure and Real Estate. In order to support social development, Plenus has led and implemented innovative programs that contributed to the social and economic development of the agricultural sector in México and abroad; and also supports, cultural and environmental programs.
Promotora Ambiental (PASA S.A.B. de C.V.) (http://www.gen.tv/)is a leading company in the Mexican environmental services market. Its main activities are in waste management, where it offers private and residential collection services, operation of landfills and recycling. PASA shares trade on the Mexican Stock Exchange.
VITRO (www.vitro.com) Founded in 1909, VITRO is one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world that satisfy the needs of two distinct business sectors: glass containers and flat glass. Through Organización Vida Silvestre (OVIS), a non-profit organization located in Monterrey (www.ovis.org.mx), the Company put into practice permanent conservation programs, protect wildlife species and undertake research projects in four protected nature reserves in Mexico.
OVIS (www.ovis.org.mx) Founded in 1996, Organización Vida Silvestre (OVIS) is a non-profit organization located in Monterrey focused on support nature conservation, protect wildlife species and undertake research projects on ecology in four protected nature reserves in Mexico. It was founded with the full support of VITRO, one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world.
Termoeléctrica del Golfo (TEG) and Termoeléctrica Peñoles (TEP) The construction of the plant Termoeléctrica del Golfo started in May 31st, 2000 and initiated commercial operations in April 29th, 2004.The construction of the plant Termoeléctrica Peñoles started on January 8th, 2001 and initiated commercial operations in April 30th, 2004. The TEG & TEP plants have a total capacity of 580MW, with CFB (Circulating Fluidizing Beds) Technology that allows to burn petcoke in a cleaner way. This technology allows maintaining the NOx and the SO2 below the Mexican standards and the recommended by the World Bank. This technology has been proved in different parts of the world including United States of America, Asia and Europe.
WAL MART de México (www.walmartmexico.com.mx) is one of the most important retail chains in Mexico. It operates 1,334 units, including self-services stores, warehouse membership clubs, apparel stores, and restaurants, all of which are located throughout the 32 states of Mexico.
Susan Bruce (Boulder, CO)
Casellas (Barcelona, Spain)
Palma (Mexico City)