Pacifiers B Gone™ provides seven-day solution for potentially serious healthcare issue
Michelle Spitzer was like hundreds of thousands of moms in America today – stressed out from work and totally stressed out from trying to wean her son Tyler from his beloved pacifier; actually, she was simultaneously trying to accomplish the same feat with Tyler's older sister – double trouble!
After hearing from professionals about the potential physical and psychological dangers associated with extended pacifier use, Spitzer was determined to find a solution, and she did through trial and error. She then founded a company to provide the step-by-step, patented Pacifier B Gone™ system to stressed-out parents; available for purchase at www.pacifierbgone.com.
"Infants have an innate physical need to suck for the first few months of life," said Speech-Language Pathologist Eva Marie Rieck, CCC Sp. "However, prolonged or over use of a pacifier can result in thumb sucking, poor oral motor skills, possible dental problems and in some cases delayed speech and language development. Pacifier B Gone is a program that allows a child to be weaned gradually and systematically."
"I love hearing from the parents who have tried Pacifier B Gone," Spitzer said. "It's a loving and nurturing solution that worked for our family and has worked in 99 percent of other cases. We're offering a 60-day 100 percent money-back guarantee because we know it works."
To kick off the New Year "paci' free," Pacifier B Gone is now being offered at a special price of $39.95 (plus shipping), as compared to the standard price of $59.95; special offer is good through Jan. 31.
Pacifier B Gone is a system of interrelated components which influences retraining through subliminal psychological triggers. System components include:
- A deluxe 2' x 3' "Now I'm BIG" wall calendar.
- A "Now I'm Big" Sticker Pack the child will use to chart his progress on the calendar.
- The "Now I'm Big" Book that parents and their child will read together each night.
- The Pacifier B Gone System Instruction Guide.
- A Sunny Duck Stuffed Animal that plays an integral role in helping the child transition to becoming pacifier-free.
- A "Now I'm Big" Award Certificate.
Follow Pacifier B Gone on Facebook and Twitter.
John Taylor, 615-477-3099