The Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) today announced the 29 members elected to serve as the EIPC Stakeholder Steering Committee (SCC). The group will provide strategic input to the interconnection-wide transmission analysis and planning efforts established by the EIPC and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
The stakeholder committee structure was developed through a series of discussions among consumers, environmentalists, electricity suppliers, transmission providers, energy service companies, public power entities, renewable energy interests, demand response providers, and representatives of state, provincial, and federal government.
"The grassroots orientation of the EIPC is reflected in the diverse array of interests represented by the stakeholders elected to provide valuable input to our efforts. We look forward to working with the SSC members and all interested parties to enhance transmission analysis and planning capabilities across the Eastern Interconnection," said Stephen G. Whitley, president and CEO of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) and chair of the EIPC Executive Committee.
Encompassing the broad geographic region from Eastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, the EIPC is a pioneer, grassroots effort being developed and led by 26 planning authorities from the United States and Canada to conduct transmission analyses at the interconnection level. An initial focus of the collaborative effort will be the roll-up, integration and analysis of existing regionally developed plans.
In December 2009, DOE selected the EIPC to receive $16 Million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus funds to support the development of an interconnection-wide transmission planning process. The SCC, which will play a key role in the process, will conduct its first meeting on July 15 and 16 in Chicago, Illinois. Meeting details and materials can be found on the EIPC website at eipconline.com.
The members of the newly elected Stakeholder Steering Committee (SSC) include:
Transmission Owners and Developers
- Wil Kaul – Great River Energy
- Stu Nachmias – Con Edison
- Tamara Linde – PSEG
Generation Owners and Developers
- Steve Gaw – Wind Coalition
- Mark Volpe – Dynegy, Inc.
- Michael Goggin – American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
Other Suppliers (e.g. Power Marketers, Energy Storage, Distributed Generation, Demand-side Resources)
- Herb Healy – EnerNOC, Inc.
- Dennis Sobieski – Hess Corporation
- Chris Lyons – Constellation Energy
Transmission-dependent utilities (TDUs), Public Power, & Coops (e.g. Municipal utilities, Rural Co-ops, Power Authorities)
- Paul Malone – Nebraska Public Power District
- Ed Tatum – Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
- Maryam Sharif – NYPA
End Users (e.g. Small consumer advocates, large consumers, state consumer advocate agency)
- Sonny Popowsky – Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate
- Ryan Kind – Missouri Office of the Public Counsel
- Alice Jackson – Occidental
Non-Government Organizations (e.g. climate change & energy, land and habitat conservation)
- Mark Brownstein – Environmental Defense Fund
- Andrea Oliver – Land Trust Alliance
- Beth Soholt – Wind on the Wires
State Representatives chosen by the Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council
- Lauren Azar – Wisconsin
- Doug Nazarian – Maryland
- Jim Volz – Vermont
- Lib Fleming – South Carolina
- Kevin Gunn – Missouri
- Jon McKinney – West Virginia
- Seth Hammett – Alabama
- Valerie Lemmie – Ohio
- Garry Brown – New York
- Paul Suskie – Arkansas
Canadian Provincial Representative
- Jon Norman – Ontario
SSC membership will also include Ex Officio Members from the DOE and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) membership includes Alcoa Power Generating, Inc.; American Transmission Company LLC; Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC; Electric Energy Incorporated; E.ON U.S. LLC , on behalf on its operating companies Louisville Gas & Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company; Entergy Services, Inc. on behalf of the Entergy Corporation Utility Operating Companies; Florida Power & Light Company; Georgia Transmission Corporation (An Electric Membership Corporation); Independent Electricity System Operator ("IESO"); International Transmission Company; ISO New England, Inc.; JEA; Mid-Continent Area Power Pool, by and through its agent, MAPPCOR; Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.; Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia; New York Independent System Operator, Inc.; New Brunswick System Operator; PJM Interconnection LLC; PowerSouth Energy Cooperative; Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.; Progress Energy Florida, Inc.; South Carolina Electric & Gas Company; South Carolina Public Service Authority; Southern Company Services Inc., as agent for Alabama Power Company, Georgia Power Company, Gulf Power Company, and Mississippi Power Company; Southwest Power Pool, Inc.; and Tennessee Valley Authority.
For more information, visit eipconline.com
David Whiteley, 314-753-6200