LONG BEACH, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 09/17/10 -- Ecover, in celebration of thirty sustainable years of business, is seeking 30 people under 30 who are protecting our planet. 30 under 30 finalists will receive a year's worth of products from Ecover. The grand prize winner will receive a brand new bedroom or dining room set from Environment -- a leading source of furniture made from materials that are either reclaimed, recycled or repurposed wood and canvas -- because change begins at home, and we at Ecover believe that your home should be as inspiring as possible.
Until September 30th, you can submit your own entry or share the contest with a friend on the Ecover blog or our Facebook fan page.
After September 30th, a panel of judges -- highly respected environmental innovators -- will select the top thirty nominees. The esteemed panel is made up of Deborah Brancato, a staff attorney at Riverkeeper, Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, founder and editor of susainablog, Tiffany Threadgould, inventor, recyclist and founder of RePlayGround, Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff, founder, editor and publisher of EcoStilletto.com, and Megan McWilliams, co-host of Green Divas Radio Show.
The top thirty finalists will be posted on Ecover's blog and Facebook page on October 30th, and the public will be able to vote for the favorite green leader November 1-5. The finalists will be invited to attend Ecover's 30th Anniversary event in November at the New York Environment showroom where the grand prize winner will be announced.
In 1980, Ecover set out to change the world. We've done this by creating safer, smarter and more sustainable cleaning products that respect the environment and the needs of our customers. Now, 30 years later, we'd like to celebrate our own success by showcasing a new generation of environmental innovators.
About Ecover
Since 1980, Ecover has been devoted to developing and producing effective and ecological washing and cleaning products made from plant-based and mineral ingredients. Ecover's aim is to provide effective, sustainable washing and cleaning solutions that can be used daily by people all around the world.
To learn more about Ecover, visit our website, blog, Facebook and Twitter pages.
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Valorie Luther
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