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2011 ICD-10 Summit Agenda

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American Health Information Management Association WHO: (AHIMA) WHAT: 2011 ICD-10 Summit: Strategies and Tactics for Industry Success WHEN: April 11-12, 2011 WHERE: Hilton Baltimore Baltimore, MD

The American Health Information Management Association and healthcare industry leaders from around the country will convene here to address challenges and opportunities represented in our impending universal transition to the ICD-10 coding system. HITECH, meaningful use, as well as HIPAA 5010 transaction and implementation strategies will also be discussed at the ICD-10 Summit: Strategies and Tactics for Industry Success, April 11-12, in Baltimore, MD.

This two-day program is AHIMA's third annual ICD-10 Summit bringing together healthcare professionals as a resource for information, education and training for ICD-10 preparedness and implementation.

For registration and to obtain press credentials please contact: Theresa Grant AHIMA Media Relations Manager 312-233-1159


2011 ICD-10 Summit: Strategies and Tactics for Industry Success

Monday, April 11, 2011


8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Welcome Address

Bonnie Cassidy, MPA, RHIA, FAHIMA, FHIMSS, President, AHIMA/ Vice President, HIM Product Management, QuadraMed Corporation

Opening Keynote: Perspectives on Industry Success

Top officials from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services offer their perspectives on efforts to coordinate and leverage competing federal initiatives, and talk about doing the same in their organizations, relating ICD-10 as a key enabler.

Invited: Farzad Mostashari, M.D. Deputy National Coordinator for Programs & Policy

ICD-10's Impact on Data Use

The experts on this panel have been convened to represent a variety of secondary data uses, including public health biosurveillance, quality measurement, and research. The panelists will address how they anticipate leveraging an increased level of specificity available in ICD-10 to meet their data needs. The panelists will also discuss how they plan to transition to ICD-10 and explore possible tactics to mitigate anticipated transition issues.

Panel Moderator: Sandy Fuller, MA, RHIA, CAE, FAHIMA, COO, AHIMA

The Clock Is Ticking--Staying on a Smooth Track toward ICD-10 Conversion

Healthcare organizations across the country have fixed their eyes on the calendar and those fast-approaching deadlines for becoming both ICD-10- and 5010-compliant. Despite significant competing IT priorities and pressure to reduce costs, most healthcare providers and payers are on their way to complying with these deadlines. How does your organization's progress compare to that of the industry as a whole? In this session we'll take a look at where most providers and payers are in terms of implementing ICD-10 and 5010 (and where they should be), and, identify the most common obstacles to these projects, along with strategies to address them.

Mark Williams, Principal, US Healthcare Payer Practice, PWC

Taking a Master Data Approach to ICD-10

With your resources already stretched to meet the requirements of federal healthcare reform mandates, a master data approach is the most cost-effective and efficient way to tackle the critical need for meaningful analytics of coded data. With a master data approach, inconsistencies and errors that arise when different systems use different approaches to mapping and translation can be avoided. Tools and methods for understanding the impact of ICD-10 on your organization's data will be shared.

John Wollman, Executive Vice President of Healthcare, HighPoint Solutions

12:15-1:15 p.m. Lunch


TRACK 1 - Implementation Intelligence from the Field

1:30-2:30 p.m. (Session 1 of 3)

Eyes Wide Open--Implementation Strategies across an Integrated Delivery System

ICD-10--finally a project! Discover how Norton Healthcare engaged the Enterprise Project Management Office to ensure all stakeholder needs within the Integrated Delivery Network--including five hospitals, three diagnostic centers and numerous physician practices are considered and represented. Stakeholder involvement is necessary to ensure opportunities for process improvement are identified and acted upon, ensuring a successful conversion to the new code set.

Susan W. Carey, RHIT, and Janice M. Redden, CCS, CPC-H, Norton Healthcare

2:45-3:45 p.m. (Session 2 of 3)

ICD-10: A High Stakes Transition

Expect a presentation on best practice responses to the ICD-10 transition, which will provide attendees and their organizations with guidance and best practices to lay the groundwork for the transition to ICD-10.

George Alex, The Advisory Board Company

4-5 p.m. (Session 3 of 3)

Navigating Regulatory Change: Preliminary Lessons Learned During the Health Care Provider Transition to ICD-10

Be introduced to the findings of a series of interviews conducted with a select group of healthcare providers, with the goal of understanding the challenges, strategies and lessons learned surrounding the implementation of ICD-10. The objective was to move beyond an assessment of industry awareness and produce actionable information serving as a resource for healthcare administrators, project managers and healthcare providers navigating the transition. This survey sample focused exclusively on six diverse providers who have initiated the implementation process far in advance of the October 2013 deadline.

Rose Dunphy, CPAM, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Veronica Jackson

TRACK 2 - Advanced Thinking on Translation & Mapping

1:30-2:30 p.m. (Session 1 of 3)

Transitioning to ICD-10: Translations and Maps for Applications

Are your paper and software applications on track for the transition to ICD-10? Are your translation and conversion strategies integrated with providers, payers, vendors, and trading partners? Are they clearly spelled out? From a panel of experts representing payer, provider, and vendor organizations, you'll gain an overview of these processes along with valuable insights into translating specific applications and associated workflows. Learn from their varied perspectives and expertise, discuss best practices, and offer real-life translation examples on topics that will include coding guidelines, quality measures, reporting applications and payer contracts and policies.

Caroline Piselli, RN, MBA, FACHE, 3M Health Information Systems

Nelly Leon-Chisen, RHIA, American Hospital Association

Lisa Brooks Taylor, RHIA, Resolution Health, Inc., Ian Bonnet, WellPoint

2:45-3:45 p.m. (Session 2 of 3)

Mapping Your Way through ICD-10

You're aware of ICD-10 and generally know what your next 2 1/2 years will look like, so you probably think you're in good shape for the time being. But questions keep popping up. Have you really looked at the ICD-10 code set? Do you know what lies in wait for you as you begin your transition? Have you thought through the mapping process and what it means to your processes? Will the GEMs or a vendor solution solve all your problems? The answers to these questions may not be as clear as you think. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has conducted an extensive study of the ICD-10 transition and how it will affect their daily business. Come hear about their experience with the mapping process, the challenges they faced, and what they did to overcome the challenges. Listen as they share their experiences and make you think about the transition in a different way.

Dennis Winkler, BBA, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

4-5 p.m. (Session 3 of 3)

Impact of ICD-10 on MS-DRG Reimbursement

The ICD-10 MS-DRG grouper substantially achieves CMS' stated goal to keep DRG assignment consistent during the conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10. The approach used to determine this result can only be used for other reimbursement systems when coupled with careful coding and clinical judgment and advanced use of the general equivalence mappings (GEM).

Elizabeth C. McCullough, MS, 3M Health Information Systems

TRACK 3 - Lessons to Learn on Preparing the Workforce

1:30-2:30 p.m. (Session 1 of 3)

One Size Does Not Fit All: Preparing Your Staff for Moving from Reaction to Adoption

ICD-10-CM/PCS will be more specific and accurate in documenting medical conditions. However, the transition to this updated code structure poses unique operational and training challenge for clinicians; a challenge impacting patient care as well as revenue. This session discusses approaches for engaging and training clinicians and staff to mitigate loss of revenue and enhance quality of care. Presenters focus on the necessary elements of a learning strategy and training plan balancing the operational needs of key stakeholders, especially clinicians, with the learning needs of affected staff, focusing on the delivery of a targeted and timely implementation of a blended training program.

Patricia A. C. Hildebrand, MSN, RN, AHIMA-Approved ICD10CM/PCS Trainer, CCS-P, CPHQ, FACHE-designate, Hildebrand Healthcare Consulting

2:45-3:45 p.m. (Session 2 of 3)

Assisting Rural Community Facilities in Preparing for ICD-10, One Phase at a Time

Limited budgets and internal resource restrictions are a hurdle for smaller, rural community facilities, preventing an initial, full, system-wide ICD-10 analysis and phased-in education program. During this session, an AHIMA-Approved ICD-10 CM/PCS Trainer will discuss useful "phase one" and subsequent approaches and solutions to ICD-10 readiness that small, rural community facilities (and even larger non-rural ones) can implement.

Jeff Wieters, RHIA, AHIMA-Approved ICD-10 CM/PCS Trainer, QuadraMed

4-5 p.m. (Session 3 of 3)

Coder Clinical Knowledge Assessments

Is it too early to engage coding professionals in training for ICD-10? The co-presenters of this session will share their coder clinical knowledge assessments for an 11-facility healthcare system to put you on the right track!

Karen Youmans, MPA, RHIA, CCS, YES HIM Consulting, Inc

Melissa Myrick, MSA, RHIA, BayCare Health System

5:30-7 p.m. Reception

TUESDAY, April 12, 2011


TRACK 1 - Implementation Intelligence from the field

8:30-9:30 a.m. (Session 1 of 3)

Case Study on St. Mary's Health System: Preparing for the ICD-10 Storm

Government mandates, particularly in a hospital or healthcare setting, can create a sense of urgency and sometimes fear. Certainly, this is the case with HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10. Healthcare providers often are thinly resourced and often their only focus is compliance to the letter of the regulation. The HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10 transition provides an opportunity for proactive healthcare organizations to go beyond mere compliance and achieve strategic advantage during the conversion period. This case study provides real world examples of how St. Mary's Health System effectively completed a Readiness Assessment and Impact Analysis and utilized online tools to track their progress in preparing their organization for this challenging transition. The presentation discusses lessons learned covering topics such as: governance structure design, organizational buy-in, and IT system testing strategies for multi-facility health systems.

Betsey Shew, JD, CPHQ, St. Mary's Health System

Veronica X. Vela, MS, Noblis

Catherine Veum, MHSA, Noblis

Kim Laberge, St. Mary's Health System

9:45-10:45 a.m. (Session 2 of 3)

State of the Nation: How Ready Are We for ICD-10?

Discover how one organization navigated a variety of Canadian hospitals through the ICD-10 implementation process, particularly through the "lessons learned" experience.

Cindy Grant, CHIM, Courtyard Group

Dave Wattling

11 a.m.-12 Noon (Session 3 of 3)

Secondary Data Use: Make it Happen!

The uses of ICD-10 codes beyond typical patient documentation and billing will be presented in this session, as well as ways ICD-10 codes may be leveraged to support secondary uses, including epidemiological research, clinical research, outcomes analysis, case management, pharmacovigilance, population surveillance, syndromes surveillance and trend analysis, disease registries, and vital record databases.

James Maisel, M.D., ZyDoc

TRACK 2 - Destination 10: Project Management Tactics

8:30-9:30 a.m. (Session 1 of 3)

Program Management for ICD-10: Techniques for Success

Shelley McDermott, PMP, OTB Solutions

Brenda Ding, PMP, CSM, OTB Solutions

9:45-10:45 a.m. (Session 2 of 3)

ICD-10 Operational Challenge: Leveraging ICD-10 to take a Fresh Look at System-Wide Operations

Hear the story of how a project management office, HIMS, and IT department teamed up to develop a comprehensive ICD-10 implementation plan. Learn how the ICD-10 code set requirements impact assessment provided this organization with a new, more integrated perspective on their system-wide operations. Hear the specific challenges presented by the changes needed and how standardization within the organization significantly reduced risk. Presenters will also share the project management tools and team strategies developed to manage the various challenges.

Jaime James, MHA, RHIA, Banner Health

Linda Martin, MA, PMP, Banner Health

11 a.m.-12 noon (Session 3 of 3)

Riding the Wave--Using ICD-10 for Clinical Transformation

Through discussion of a real-world experience, this presentation provides the audience with a view of the importance of the implementation of ICD-10 in Clinical Transformation. Management of ICD-10 as a program of work will be outlined along with the overall program goals. This presentation also describes the relationship between individual projects within the program and the composition of the project teams. The program's overall status is provided along with successes and lessons learned.

Kathy J. Westhafer, RHIA, CHPS, and Margaret Lynahan, Christiana Care

TRACK 3 - The Role of Clinical Documentation in ICD-10 Success

8:30-9:30 a.m. (Session 1 of 3)

Top 10 Documentations Issues under ICD-10

Working to improve clinical documentation for ICD-10 should be the current focus of every provider organization's ICD-10 transition plan. Early education prepares physicians to capture more specificity in the patient record and helps medical staff adjust documentation practices well in advance of ICD-10 implementation. Learn the top ten ICD-10 documentation issues that should be addressed in physician education.

Donna M. Smith, 3M Health Information Systems

9:45-10:45 a.m. (Session 2 of 3)


It's not too early to begin planning for clinical documentation changes required for ICD-10. The co-presenters of this session will share the results of their clinical documentation reviews for an 11-facility healthcare system to put you on the right track!

Karen Youmans, MPA, RHIA, CCS, YES HIM Consulting, Inc

Mary A. Roberts, BA, CCS, HIM Coding Manager, BayCare Health System

11 a.m.-12 noon (Session 3 of 3)

Preliminary Findings from an ICD-10-CM Clinical Documentation Pilot Study

This session is based on a pilot research study in which hospital records of heart disease patients were coded in ICD-10-CM. in order to determine where clinical documentation changes are needed to take optimal advantage of ICD-10-CM clinical detail. The authors will share their findings and provide recommendations for ICD-10-CM heart disease clinical documentation improvements.

Susan Fenton, Ph.D., RHIA, and Jacqueline Moczygemba, MBA, RHIA, Texas State University

12:15-1:15 p.m. Lunch


1:15-5 p.m.

ICD-10 as an Enabling Strategy

The convergence of regulatory requirements in from 2011 to 2014 is unprecedented: HITECH/meaningful use, the HIPAA 5010 standard, the ICD-10 transition, healthcare reform, and accountable care organizations, in conjunction with intensified pay for performance within episodes across the continuum of care. Healthcare organizations of all types must develop integrated payer, provider, and vendor business strategies to plan for and address the impact of these regulatory initiatives. Smart organizations seek to identify points of convergence, dependency, consistency and conflict between these business strategies in order to leverage resources, promote quality decision-making, and achieve success for their organizations. ICD-10 is the enabler and precursor of completeness, accuracy and efficiency across all these initiatives.

Panel Moderator: Caroline Piselli, MBA, Global Strategic Planning Manager, 3M Health Information Systems

WEDI Briefing

Lisa Miller, CIO, XeoHealth, Vice Chair of Administration & Operations, WEDI

ICD-10 Strategic Thinking: What to Consider Beyond the Basic Tactics of Remediation

Providers, health plans, and virtually all health entities are challenged with the ICD-10 conversion. While all face the tactical implications of the change to a new ICD code set, some are casting this change in a more strategic light. This presentation focuses on describing key strategies and approaches under consideration by providers and health plans that have chosen a more strategic perspective.

Christine Armstrong, Principal, Deloitte Consulting David Biel, Principal, Deloitte Consulting Kimberly Telford, Director of Strategy, Revenue Cycle Organization, Intermountain Healthcare

OESS State of the Union

The Office of E-Health Standards and Services (OESS) is responsible for the comprehensive e-health strategy for CMS and for orchestrating and implementing the administrative simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), including transactions, code sets, and identifiers. This session provides an up-to-the-minute perspective on these initiatives and informs the audience about readiness initiatives.

Invited: Karen Trudel, Acting Director, OESS

Closing Keynote: Critical Thinking for Industry Success

Alan Dowling, Ph.D., CEO, AHIMA

/PRNewswire-USNewswire -- March 10, 2011/

American Health Information Management Association

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