BOSTON, April 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 18th, it was announced that Marc Epstein, founder and owner of Milk Street Cafe, has been selected by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as the 2011 Massachusetts Small Business "Person of The Year."
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Epstein was awarded for his hard work, innovative ideas, and devotion to his community who has helped him to succeed. The SBA was pleased to recognize Epstein's achievements and role in driving the nation's economic growth.
"Your dedication to the success of the business, welfare of your employees, commitment to customers and the community at large is exemplary," stated District Director, Robert Nelson.
His company, Milk Street Cafe, is a retail and catering business located in the Financial District of Boston. Milk Street Cafe recently made "The List" distributed by the Boston Business Journal which aggregates the area's largest catering companies for having the most overall corporate catering orders in the city.
Epstein is set to be honored with other Massachusetts 2011 award winners at the SBA 2011 Small Business Awards Luncheon to be held on Thursday, May 26th in Andover, as well as the National Small Business Week celebration to be held May 18th - 20th in Washington, D.C.
For more information on Milk Street Cafe, please visit: www.MilkStreetCafe.com. For press inquiries, please contact Alyson Campbell at AMP3 Public Relations: 646.827.9594 or alyson@AMP3pr.com.
Press Contact:
Alyson Campbell
AMP3 Public Relations
PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com
Milk Street Cafe
Web site: http://www.milkstreetcafe.com/