Make It Challenge participants will develop embedded system designs for the chance to win cash prizes and a motorsport VIP weekend
Embedded Systems Conference
Freescale Semiconductor today announced the Make It Challenge design contest, which is set to take place at the Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) June 20-23 in San Antonio, Texas. The contest will challenge attendees to develop and submit a unique sensor robotic or system design based on Freescale's latest sensor development kit in the form of a walking robot or the Freescale Tower System.
To coincide with the contest, Freescale has introduced a sensor development kit and new Tower Mechatronics Board that contestants will use for their designs. The Tower Mechatronics Board enables designers to write software for a variety of sensor applications. When used in the Freescale sensor robot, the Tower board is capable of making the robot walk and respond to touch, motion, vibration and other external stimuli. The Freescale robot is a nine-inch tall, four degrees of freedom bipedal walking robot, with a 32-bit 'brain' and a three-axis accelerometer for balance.
About the Make It Challenge
To be eligible to participate in the Freescale Make It Challenge, contestants must attend FTF and complete an online course and quiz or one of two training courses offered at the forum.
The Make It Challenge will have two tracks:
1. Mechatronics Robot Track
2. Tower System Track
The challenge is limited to the first 200 registrants (100 per track), and participants can choose to enter one or both tracks. Each contestant in the Mechatronics Robot Track will receive the Freescale robot (FSLBOT) that contains the Tower Mechatronics board (TWR-MECH), as well as FSLBOT code. Participants in the Tower System Track will receive a Tower System kit containing one controller module selected by the participant. Contestants in both tracks will have access to the on-site FTF Make It Lab, where they can work on their designs and interact with Freescale technology experts.
Contestants must enter their designs on June 22, 2011 at 4 p.m. CDT and are limited to one submission per track. Entries will be judged on application innovation and creativity, as well as integration of different elements of the tool kit provided.
Joe Grand, electrical engineer, former host of Discovery Channel's Prototype This! andpresident of Grand Idea Studio, Inc.,will be at FTF to help judge the participants' designs.
"Design challenges allow engineers to learn about new technologies and think of clever and unique ways to implement them into future designs," said Joe Grand, a long-time Freescale customer. "As one of the judges for Freescale's Make It Challenge, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the FTF attendees can come up with using the Tower System."
Anton Olsen, self described "Master Geek" and GeekDad from Innovation First, Inc. (VEX Robotics) will be on the panel of judges. As part of the Mechatronic Robot Track, participants will have access to various products from VEX Robotics. VEX 3-wire motors and servos can be controlled by the TWR-MECH board, making the Mechatronic Design Challenge even more exciting.
First place winners of each track will receive $3,000 USD, second place $2,000 USD and third place $1,000 USD. The grand prize winner, selected from the first place track winners, will receive a Freescale Motorsports VIP weekend package for two, which includes travel and lodging for an upcoming motorsport event. For official rules; visit www.freescale.com/MakeItChallenge.
About Freescale Tower Mechatronics
Freescale's Tower Mechatronics Board, robot and software allow users to experiment with acceleration, magnetic, pressure and touch sensors, as well as electromechanical controls for industrial and consumer applications. The goal of the Tower Mechatronics Board and sensor robot is to help designers create innovative projects as quickly and easily as possible.
The Tower Mechatronics Board combines 32-bit computing, sensors and an actuator control onto a single standalone board with an on-board battery supply. The board, controlled by a 32-bit ColdFire microcontroller with 64K of RAM and 512K of flash, supports the range of Freescale Xtrinsic sensors via plug-in daughter boards.
The Tower mechatronics board is also supported by a range of development software. RobotSee is a scripting language as easy as BASIC, with the power of C that can be used without prior programming experience to create innovative projects. The Tower Mechatronics Board operates standalone, but can be plugged into the Tower System to expand its capabilities. Freescale's robot is a sensor development kit controlled by the Tower Mechatronics Board, which includes simple development tools that help designers learn to write software for sensors.
Pricing and availability
The Tower Mechatronics Board and sensor robot are available now and can be ordered directly at www.freescale.com/MechBot.
- FSLBOT ($199 USD) - includes the Tower Mechatronics Board, four PWM controlled RC servos, leg mechanics and associated hardware, assembly instructions, a Tower Mechatronics Board user guide and a quick start guide
- TWR-MECH ($99 USD) - includes an Xtrinsic MMA8451Q 3-axis accelerometer, MCF52259 32-bit ColdFire processor and MPR121 touch sensor, Tower Mechatronics Board user guide and quick start guide
- LFDA8451 ($25 USD) provides a device adapter for the Freescale MMA8451Q 14-bit 3-axis accelerometer
Useful Links
FTF Americas 2011
Freescale Robotics
Freescale Tower System
Tower Geeks
About the Freescale Technology Forum
Created to drive innovation and collaboration, the Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) has become the developer event of the year for the embedded systems industry. The Forum has drawn more than 40,000 customers at FTF events worldwide since its inception in 2005. Our annual flagship event, FTF Americas, will take place June 20–23, 2011 in its new location in San Antonio, Texas.
About Freescale Semiconductor
Freescale Semiconductor is a global leader in the design and manufacture of embedded semiconductors for the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. The privately held company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing and sales operations around the world. www.freescale.com.
Freescale, the Freescale logo and ColdFire are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Xtrinsic is a trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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