WASHINGTON June 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Executives can now tap an all-star team of highly experienced communications professionals when they want to gain a better understanding and reconsider their enterprise's communications strategy and tactics. The experts have been assembled by Nuuko, a unique new platform that allows organizations to retain "experts on demand."
"We have seen a wholesale transformation to globalized ubiquitous communications and we believe that the impact of that change is becoming more significant at the same time that the pace of change is accelerating. This means that enterprises of all types and all sizes need better intelligence, and they need it at the C-Suite level in real-time," said Nuuko co-founder and Chairman Doug Poretz. "Today's enterprises cannot operate successfully using old business models. Our experts, who can work individually or as a collegial team, have experience at the highest executive levels and can address issues and opportunities in a very straightforward and efficient manner, providing clients highly practical recommendations faster and at less cost than the traditional consulting model."
Communications Strategists:
Nick Coutts and Pat Whelan focus on Marketing Communications and Routes to Market. Coutts, also affiliated with ExpertAlumni in London, is former Vice President for Global Distribution Strategy for IBM. Whelan has functioned as CEO and CMO launching new technology products and services internationally and was former Managing Director for CRM at Lucent Technologies.
Eric Cole and Doug Bulleit are leaders in Communications Infrastructure and Security. Cole is a highly-regarded expert on communications security helping companies safely bridge the gap between business and technology. He was Senior Vice President and CTO for McAfee, Chief Scientist for Lockheed Martin and is the author of numerous books on cyber security. Bulleit was Chief Strategist at BellSouth and focuses on trends in Web 3.0.
Mark Johnson and John Caswell serve clients in the Strategy and Innovation arena. Johnson, co-founder of Innosight, is author of "Seizing the White Space" (Harvard Business Press) and works with corporate C-Suites at such clients as P&G, J&J, Pepsi, and Best Buy. Caswell, based in London, consulted for a global PR agency and subsequently designed a proprietary interactive methodology for problem solving used by Ford, MicroSoft, Philips and other Fortune 2000 companies.
Rick Selby and Curtis Robinson are engaged in Journalism, Public Affairs and Grass Roots Campaigns. Selby honed his skills in public affairs over many years running regional and national political campaigns and serving on the White House staff. He most currently was public affairs chief for the American Gas Association. Robinson has led high-profile grassroots communications campaigns on such issues as tobacco and stem cell research. He was a partner at Qorvis Communications and VP with Burson-Marsteller's grassroots company.
Others in the communications group include Deirdre Skolfield with expertise in investor relations for NYSE and NASDAQ-traded companies; David Wyld, director of the e-Commerce initiative and professor of management at Southeastern Louisiana University; and Jeff Pierce, one of the country's leading video journalists and digital video gurus.
The group will be led by serial entrepreneur and corporate communications strategist Doug Poretz, co-founder of both Nuuko and Qorvis Communications, which became one of the nation's fastest growing private agencies. Poretz was named one of D.C.'s "Titans of PR," and has held senior positions with three multinational publicly-owned corporations in addition to his agency experience.
About Nuuko
Nuuko is a C-Suite collaborative where enterprises of any size needing innovative solutions on narrow or wide issues can find the seasoned consultants with the appropriate expertise and credentials to help them. Using its diverse team of Enterprise Solutions Experts' in areas such communications strategy, health care reform and C-Suite counsel, Nuuko provides all the tools, resources, processes and services necessary to make that relationship successful. For more information, go to www.nuuko.com or contact info@nuuko.com
Amber Zentis, Director of Communications
(910) 742-5383