Judging Panel Includes Top Remote Sensing Oil and Gas Professionals and Scientists
Spatial Energy today announced it has finalized the judging panel for its inaugural Remote Sensing Energy Challenge. The judges, respected scientists and oil and gas professionals from around the world, will be responsible for reviewing submissions and selecting the commercial and student entry papers that best exemplify innovative applications of remote sensing to meet the increasing demand for energy. Winners will be announced on August 9-10, 2012, and invited to present their findings at the Spatial Energy Customer Summit in Boulder, Colorado.
The Spatial Energy Remote Sensing Energy Challenge encourages commercial organizations and students to investigate and identify remote sensing products, sensors, software or processing methods that will support oil and gas companies working to meet the increasingly challenging demand for energy.
Entries can be submitted no later than May 15th, 2012, and should consist of an illustrated summary report of not more than six pages, plus maps or images. Submit your proposal to energychallenge@spatialenergy.com.
The judging panel includes top remote sensing oil and gas professionals and scientists from around the world:
- Adam Carter, Ph.D., Senior Research Geoscientist, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company
- Jacek Grodecki, Senior Director, Research & Development, GeoEye
- Jim Ellis, Ph.D, Principal,Ellis GeoSpatial
- Julie Parker, Director, GIS Services, Chesapeake Energy Corporation
- Peter Hausknecht, Ph.D, Coordinator Remote Sensing, GeoTechnical Operations (GTO), Woodside Energy Ltd. and Chairman, Oil and Gas Earth Observation Group (OGEO) Interest Group
"We are honored and privileged to work with an expert panel of judges who are eager to help identify innovative solutions in remote sensing that are relevant to oil and gas exploration and production. Their professional insight will be instrumental as we look to award the teams that have successfully demonstrated solutions to help find new sources of conventional or unconventional oil and gas. We truly appreciate the generous time and the consummate knowledge they share with us" said Bud Pope, President, Spatial Energy.
For more information, visit the Spatial Energy Remote Sensing Energy Challenge website.
About Spatial Energy
Spatial Energy (www.spatialenergy.com) provides the world's best collection of energy-specific imagery, imagery analysis and online enterprise imagery and data management services for oil and gas companies operating globally. Over 50 of the Top 100 oil and gas companies worldwide use Spatial Energy to increase speed to drilling, maximize production, lower costs and monitor and protect their assets.
Imagery is available on demand from our data archives, by tasking satellites and aerial providers, by speculative collection and by hosting corporate imagery. Our data is tailored for use within geological and geophysical desktop applications, as well as web applications and geoportals. OurEnterprise Remote Sensing Solutions(ES2)provides one source for a full range of remote sensing services. We offer subscription programs such as the Spatial Energy Partner Program (EPP), BasinWatch and Spatial on Demand (www.spatialondemand.com) to provide simplified, cost effective access to acquiring and managing imagery as a corporate asset. For more information, visit our website at www.spatialenergy.com.
Spatial Energy
Robin Leventhal, 303-717-1322