NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --As marriage equality has evolved over the last year we have become keenly aware of the situation of one overlooked group: The Single.
It's official. The nuclear family has had a meltdown. In the last decade Single households have increased by 30% worldwide. By 2020 there will be 331 million single households globally. The US will lead (36.3 million) followed by Japan (31.6 million) and China (18.2 million).
Singles come from every nationality, age demographic, religion, sexual orientation and gender. But they have one thing in common: they have been living in a married person's world. In 2013, that's beginning to change.
Singles will disrupt every facet of our culture. Government and religious organizations will need to adapt to Singles' relationships, living situations and lifestyles.
Singles will also be the first to engage in relationships with artificial intelligence. As behavioral technology and robotics advance, programs and androids of every shape and size will begin to fulfill the roles traditionally handled by a spouse.
The rise of the Single will have a mega impact on Brands and products. Brands will feel the impact of the Single revolution. For a Brand to win, it will have to reevaluate message, product size and retail experience. Still, many Brands today see themselves as "Family Brands", a dangerous position when "Single Brands" will dominate the consumer landscape.
Marketing, religion, technology, education, transportation, government will all need to change or face extinction. The rise of the solo citizen will redefine the human experience. Welcome or unwelcome, the Single-arity is here for good.
Read the entire prediction at to discover why Singles are the next big thing!
Kathleen Cantwell
SOURCE Faith Popcorn's BrainReserve