DALLAS (dpa-AFX) - AT&T Inc. (T) Friday updated on a tentative agreement AT&T Mobility reached last month with the Communications Workers of America in contract negotiations covering more than 20,000 of its Mobility employees in 36 states and the District of Columbia.
The four-year agreement covers Mobility employees in CWA Districts 1, 2/13, 4, 7, and 9 - generally in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Mountain States and West Coast.
The agreement will be submitted to the CWA's membership for a ratification vote in coming days, the company said.
The agreement would be effective February 10, 2013 and expire February 11, 2017. If it is ratified on or before April 5, 2013 a ratification bonus of $1,000 will be paid to each eligible employee.
The agreement includes general wage increases in each year of the contract - 2 percent the first year, 2.5 percent the second year, 2.25 percent the third year, and 3 percent the fourth year. It maintains pensions for all employees, plus retirement savings plans, with no changes.
Health care and other benefits are bargained separately. CWA members in October ratified a separate four-year benefit agreement for all CWA-bargained Mobility employees nationwide.
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