MONTABAUR (dpa-AFX) - United Internet (UDIRF.PK), on Wednesday said that its EBITDA for the full-year 2012 totaled EUR 325.9 million, down from EUR 341.8 million in the prior year. Meanwhile, EBIT fell to EUR 232.7 million from EUR 253.0 million last year, while Pre-tax earnings dropped to EUR 221.4 million from EUR 231.9 million a year ago. The company attributed the decline in earnings to losses from certain start-ups
On a per share basis earnings were EUR 0.71 compared to EUR 0.72 in 2011.
On the other hand, sales for the year 2012 rose 14.4 percent to 2.397 billion euros, from 2.094 billion euros in the prior-year period. Sales in established business fields rose by 13.2 percent to 2.355 billion euros.
Looking ahead to the full-year 2013, the company expects per share earnings between EUR 1.00 and EUR 1.10 with an estimated sales growth of 10 percent.
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