Von Claudio Kummerfeld
Was haben 6 Bankenpleiten in der Ukraine in einer Woche, ein Weltbankkredit und russisches Gas miteinander zu tun? Ein merkwürdiger zeitlicher Zusammenhang. Aber immer der Reihe nach…
Die ukrainische Nationalbank "National Bank of Ukraine": Foto: Wikipedia / Alexander Noskin /Voevoda (CC BY-SA 3.0)
3 Banken insolvent in einer WocheLetzten Dienstag hat die "National Bank of Ukraine" die "Integral Bank" für insolvent erklärt. Anscheinend gab es dort mit einfachsten Buchhaltungsaufgaben Probleme. Hier direkt von der Notenbank "National Bank of Urkaine ein Kommentar : "In September 2015,"Integral-Bank PJSC was declared a problem bank due to the shortage of funds experienced by the bank, which resulted in the bank's failure to meet its obligations to depositors and creditors. Following the decision to declare Integral-Bank PJSC a problem bank, evidence was revealed that this bank failed to keep accounting records of the customers" documents that have not been executed in due time as prescribed by law. In addition, the bank's financials deteriorated. The cash-strapped bank was unable to meet its obligations to depositors and other creditors in due time and in full."
Dann am letzten Donnerstag erklärte die Notenbank die "Finance and Credit PJSC" für insolvent. Wie die Notenbank selbst ...
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