MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- (Marketwired) -- 03/29/18 -- Saputo Inc. (TSX: SAP) ('Saputo" or the 'Company") announces that effective April 1, 2018, Mr. Carl Colizza, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Dairy Division (Canada), will, in addition to his current duties, take on the leadership of the Dairy Division (Argentina).This leadership role was assumed by Mr. Kai Bockmann as part of his mandate as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company. In his new role, Mr. Colizza will continue to report to Mr. Bockmann.
The Company also announces that Mr. Paul Corney, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Dairy Foods Division (USA) has advised that he will retire within the next 12 to 24 months, after close to 20 years of service with Saputo. The Company has a plan in place to identify his successor and enable Mr. Corney to ensure the transition.
About Saputo
Saputo produces, markets, and distributes a wide array of dairy products of the utmost quality, including cheese, fluid milk, extended shelf-life milk and cream products, cultured products and dairy ingredients. Saputo is one of the top ten dairy processors in the world, the largest cheese manufacturer and the leading fluid milk and cream processor in Canada, one of the top three dairy processors in Argentina, and among the top four in Australia. In the US, Saputo ranks among the top three cheese producers and is one of the largest producers of extended shelf-life and cultured dairy products. Our products are sold in several countries under well-known brand names such as Saputo, Alexis de Portneuf, Armstrong, COON, Cracker Barrel(i), Dairyland, DairyStar, Friendship Dairies, Frigo Cheese Heads, La Paulina, Milk2Go/Lait's Go, Neilson, Nutrilait, Scotsburn(i), Stella, Sungold, Treasure Cave and Woolwich Dairy. Saputo Inc. is a publicly traded company and its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "SAP".
(i)Trademark used under licence.
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