The first ETI (Exchange Traded Instrument) under the public offering issuance program of Liechtenstein's iMaps ETI plc starts trading on the MTF of the Vienna Stock Exchange today.
The Haack Performance ETI was launched for the asset manager PP Asset Management, which is licensed by the German BAFIN. The note tracks the performance of the Haack investment strategy, which achieved a performance of almost 20% in the past year. "I am pleased that we start trading with our Actively Managed Certificate (AMC) on the Vienna Stock Exchange. This means that investors who do not want to follow the investment recommendations themselves all the time now also have easy access via stock exchange trading via their own broker to invest in our benchmark-independent product," says Hans-Jürgen Haack, Senior Manager at PP Asset Management and mastermind of the Haack investment strategy.
"We are pleased that we can welcome our first customer to the stock exchange for a public offering solution. The demand for these innovative investment vehicles or ETIs Exchange Traded Instruments under our public offering program is increasing steadily and we will shortly announce further listings," summarizes Andreas Woelfl, founder chairman of iMaps Capital Markets Group, the arranger.
"Exchange Listed Instruments" ETIs for short, issued by the Liechtenstein iMaps ETI AG combine the best of many worlds, public offering like an UCITS fund, exchange-traded similar to an ETF, flexible like an alternative investment fund and based on collateralization to Intertrust as a trustee in favor of ETI investors, to avoid the credit risk of the issuer. The demand shows us that we have met the needs of many asset managers with this financial innovation," summarizes Günter Woinar, CEO of iMaps Capital Markets European operations.
About iMaps ETI plc
iMaps ETI AG is an issuer of derivative securities in the Principality of Liechtenstein with a main business focus on Actively Managed Certificates and Fund-Linked Notes to be issued as a public offer in the EU UK as well as private placements in Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong The issuer is the wholly owned subsidiary of iMaps Capital Markets. The iMaps Capital Markets Group focuses on providing asset managers with the platform for issuing investment vehicles either as actively managed certificates or fund linked notes with listing and offering in Europe and other jurisdictions. ETIs represent an interesting, rapidly growing and cost-efficient alternative to funds and thanks to the approved prospectus from iMaps ETI plc, there is the possibility of offering them to the public throughout the EU UK.
Disclaimer: The prospectus for the issuance programme of Exchange Traded Instruments in the form of derivative securities got approved by FMA Liechtenstein and can be downloaded free of charge from the website www.imaps-capital.com/etis
Language: | English |
Company: | iMAPS ETI AG
Phone: | +1345 232 1382 |
ISIN: | CH0505798592 |
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Andreas Woelfl
+41 76 343 2496