LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 2, 2020 / Blue is set to revolutionize the way people socialize with each other. The Blue mobile app and Smart Card uses Bluetooth low energy and Near Field Communication (NFC) to help people introduce themselves to those they cross paths with in real life. Whether in a classroom, family reunion, event, or party, Blue allows people to maximize social opportunities. All users have to do is turn on Blue, slide their phones back into their pockets, and as soon as there are other users nearby they will be notified in real-time. Interacting with others in person and sharing social information has never been this easy. Encouraging connection through technology, Blue is the world's most innovative Bluetooth ambient social network.
The company has reached over 6 million people online and now has over 30,000 customers with over 500,000 social interactions in the past six months. What makes using Blue so compelling is that each person can discover and develop their own unique way of making the most of the Blue social experience. It truly has opened a new market space with the potential to change behavior and culture. The Blue mobile app and Smart Card's ability to see social profiles of other users and its all-in-one ability to consolidate access to selected social media profiles, websites, emails, phone numbers, and other user information is a powerful example of positive disruption in the industry. Blue is truly one of a kind and has no direct substitute. No one else in the highly competitive app market offers a smart card integrated with a mobile ambient networking app.
The driving force behind Blue is the company's visionary co-founder Jose Montero. He is a graduate of Martin Luther King High School and a former RCC student. Jose gained sales and leadership experience as a Personal Training Sales Manager at Multi-Level Marketing and L.A. Fitness where he was ranked 7th in the nation for weekend sales. As an avid reader and self-taught learner, Jose quickly picks up the knowledge and skills that he needs to succeed. He ventured into entrepreneurship at a young age, starting his first business when he was only 18 years old. Some of his accolades include the winner of the Riverside innovation pitch competition in 2017 and a finalist in the Tech Coast Angels fast pitch competition in 2016. He is also a growth hacker, digital marketer, and has an eye for design - all attributes that have served him well as CEO and President of Blue. With all these glowing accomplishments, The Meet the Drapers Show Season 3, Premieres this Saturday with Blue Social founders pitching to the legendary Draper family of Silicon Valley. The Draper's are on the search for the world's hottest new entrepreneurs, on the hunt for the next billion-dollar idea.
Experience for yourself this exciting new way to interact with the people around you. Visit the Blue website at www.blue.social to order your own Blue Smart Card. In addition, Blue is launching a Republic CrowdFund campaign. By investing in the company as little as $100, you can take part in Blue's innovative and game-changing vision of creating a world of friends through ambient networking. You may call +1 (951) 255-3398 or email hello@blue.social to learn more.
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