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TUI AG: Release according to Article 40, Section -2-

Finanznachrichten News

DJ TUI AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

TUI AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German 
Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution 
19-March-2020 / 14:48 CET/CEST 
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. 
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 
*Notification of Major Holdings* 
*1. Details of issuer* 
|Name:                         |TUI AG               | 
|Street:                       |Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4| 
|Postal code:                  |30625                | 
|City:                         |Hannover             | 
|                              |Germany              | 
|Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):|529900SL2WSPV293B552 | 
*2. Reason for notification* 
|X|Acquisition/disposal of shares with voting rights           | 
| |Acquisition/disposal of instruments                         | 
| |Change of breakdown of voting rights                        | 
|X|Other reason:                                               | 
| |voluntary group notification due to crossing a threshold on | 
| |subsidiary level                                            | 
*3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation* 
|Legal entity: BlackRock, Inc.                                 | 
|City of registered office, country: Wilmington, Delaware,     | 
|United States of America (USA)                                | 
*4. Names of shareholder(s)* 
holding directly 3% or more voting rights, if different from 3. 
*5. Date on which threshold was crossed or reached:* 
|13 March 2020| 
*6. Total positions* 
|             |% of voting|      % of|  Total of|  Total number| 
|             |     rights|    voting| both in %|     of voting| 
|             |attached to|    rights|   (7.a. +|        rights| 
|             |     shares|   through|     7.b.)|   pursuant to| 
|             |  (total of|instrument|          |  Sec. 41 WpHG| 
|             |      7.a.)|         s|          |              | 
|             |           | (total of|          |              | 
|             |           |   7.b.1 +|          |              | 
|             |           |    7.b.2)|          |              | 
|New          |     3.14 %|    1.93 %|    5.08 %|     589020588| 
|Previous     |     4.92 %|    0.18 %|    5.09 %|             /| 
|notification |           |          |          |              | 
*7. Details on total positions* 
*a. Voting rights attached to shares (Sec. 33, 34 WpHG)* 
|ISIN        |        Absolute        |          In %          | 
|            |     Direct|    Indirect|     Direct|    Indirect| 
|            |   (Sec. 33|    (Sec. 34|   (Sec. 33|    (Sec. 34| 
|            |      WpHG)|       WpHG)|      WpHG)|       WpHG)| 
|DE000TUAG000|          0|    18512697|        0 %|      3.14 %| 
|*Total*     |        18512697        |         3.14 %         | 
*b.1. Instruments according to Sec. 38 (1) no. 1 WpHG* 
|Type of  |Expiration or |Exercise or |      Voting|     Voting| 
|instrumen|maturity date |conversion  |      rights|rights in %| 
|t        |              |period      |    absolute|           | 
|Lent     |N/A           |N/A         |    11110287|     1.89 %| 
|Securitie|              |            |            |           | 
|s (right |              |            |            |           | 
|to       |              |            |            |           | 
|recall)  |              |            |            |           | 
|         |              |*Total*     |    11110287|     1.89 %| 
*b.2. Instruments according to Sec. 38 (1) no. 2 WpHG* 
|Type of   |Expiration  |Exercise  |Cash or  |  Voting|  Voting| 
|instrument|or maturity |or        |physical |  rights|  rights| 
|          |date        |conversion|settlemen|absolute|    in %| 
|          |            |period    |t        |        |        | 
|Contract  |N/A         |N/A       |Cash     |  273802|  0.05 %| 
|for       |            |          |         |        |        | 
|Difference|            |          |         |        |        | 
|          |            |          |*Total*  |  273802|  0.05 %| 
*8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification 
| |Person subject to the notification obligation is not        | 
| |controlled nor does it control any other undertaking(s) that| 
| |directly or indirectly hold(s) an interest in the           | 
| |(underlying) issuer (1.).                                   | 
|X|Full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the     | 
| |ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity:        | 
|Name                |% of voting| % of voting|   Total of both| 
|                    | rights (if|      rights| (if at least 5%| 
|                    |at least 3%|     through|        or more)| 
|                    |   or more)| instruments|                | 
|                    |           |(if at least|                | 
|                    |           | 5% or more)|                | 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|Trident Merger LLC  |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Investment|          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, LLC     |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Capital   |          %|           %|               %| 
|Holdings, Inc.      |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Advisors, |          %|           %|               %| 
|LLC                 |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 19, 2020 09:48 ET (13:48 GMT)

|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings, Inc.      |           |            |                | 
|BR Jersey           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings L.P.       |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|(Singapore) Holdco  |           |            |                | 
|Pte. Ltd.           |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|(Singapore) Limited |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Holdco 4, |          %|           %|               %| 
|LLC                 |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Holdco 6, |          %|           %|               %| 
|LLC                 |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Delaware  |          %|           %|               %| 
|Holdings Inc.       |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Fund      |          %|           %|               %| 
|Advisors            |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Holdco 4, |          %|           %|               %| 
|LLC                 |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Holdco 6, |          %|           %|               %| 
|LLC                 |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Delaware  |          %|           %|               %| 
|Holdings Inc.       |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|Institutional Trust |           |            |                | 
|Company, National   |           |            |                | 
|Association         |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings, Inc.      |           |            |                | 
|BR Jersey           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings L.P.       |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Australia |          %|           %|               %| 
|Holdco Pty. Ltd.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Investment|          %|           %|               %| 
|Management          |           |            |                | 
|(Australia) Limited |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings, Inc.      |           |            |                | 
|BR Jersey           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings L.P.       |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|(Singapore) Holdco  |           |            |                | 
|Pte. Ltd.           |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock HK Holdco |          %|           %|               %| 
|Limited             |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Asset     |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management North    |           |            |                | 
|Asia Limited        |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management, Inc.    |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings, Inc.      |           |            |                | 
|BR Jersey           |          %|           %|               %| 
|International       |           |            |                | 
|Holdings L.P.       |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Holdco 3, |          %|           %|               %| 
|LLC                 |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Canada    |          %|           %|               %| 
|Holdings LP         |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Canada    |          %|           %|               %| 
|Holdings ULC        |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Asset     |          %|           %|               %| 
|Management Canada   |           |            |                | 
|Limited             |           |            |                | 
|-                   |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock, Inc.     |          %|           %|               %| 
|BlackRock Holdco 2, |          %|           %|               %| 
|Inc.                |           |            |                | 
|BlackRock Financial |          %|           %|               %| 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 19, 2020 09:48 ET (13:48 GMT)

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Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befürwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgültigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich möglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere über die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann.