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Institute for Non-Medical Therapies: World Health Congress 2020 Prague

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PRAGUE, July 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- On 20th June 2020 at 15:00 CESTthe World Health Congress 2020 Prague was opened online. It is a unique project held under the auspices of the Capital City of Prague. The partners of the Congress are ANME - Association for Natural Medicine in Europe, EUAA - European Ayurveda Association, SANATOR - the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka. The Main Event of the Congress will take place in Prague on 11th - 13th June 2021 in the Great Hall of the Prague City Council, and its motto is: "Health knows no boundaries - Let's seek what unites us".

Presenting the participants of the conference who are world-renowned personalities.


The videocongress was opened by

Tomáš Pfeiffer - Czech Republic

philosopher, biotronicist, founder and director of the Institute for Non-Medical Therapies, he presented the object and purpose of the Congress and in particular presented the creation of the Platform 2020 Prague.

More information at:

"Let me welcome you in the heart of Europe, in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, a highly spiritual and mysterious place where the traces of Franz Kafka, Gustav Meyrink, Josef Zezulka, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and many other of the greats can be found. It is some kind of magnetic invisible force involved here. An extraordinary situation calls for extraordinary solutions and that is why we open today ceremonially online:

The World Health Congress 2020 Prague whose Main Event will take place in Prague on 11th - 13th June 2021.

On the other hand, the Coronavirus allowed us time for preparations of the Platform 2020 Prague whose foundation is the main goal of the Congress and which I take the liberty to present to you now. Let me start with what the Platform is not. It is definitely not just another "Association of Associations".

For further development of TCIM (traditional, complementary and integrative medicine) there is ever more obvious need for the unification of efforts and intensification of cooperation throughout all disciplines also in relation to the EBM (Evidence Based Medicine); the complex space is still missing here. A globally unique project is involved here. The goal is to provide common space for all TCIM disciplines, enabling unrestricted and beneficial cooperation, sharing and mutual friendly support free of any censorship, a space resembling, to some extent, the Wikipedia portal."

Ing. Miloš Ružicka, a Prague City Assembly member and the chairman of Health, Sports and Leisure activities Committee of the Capital City of Prague, in the introduction expressed his support of this idea by stating:

"It is our joint desire to push further the boundaries of human knowledge that pulls down the barriers, and the desire to pass on the knowledge and experience gained for the use of all people. Not for war, not for trade, but to alleviate suffering, pain and to make lasting peace in our countries, but above all in our souls. The international cooperation on the creation of professional Platform 2020 Prague is the logical and right way."

The members of the presidium and the guests of the Congress delivered their speeches:

Prof. Dr. Madan Thangavelu- The United Kingdom

Genome Biologist at Cambridge University, General Secretary and Research Director of EUAA - European Ayurveda Association

More information at:

"The unusual situation around the covid-19 pandemic revealed our fragility and helplessness of our healthcare systems. Small Indian state of Kerala provides an example, despite a high density of population they managed to contain the coronavirus crisis and the Nipah virus crisis. Best practice in healthcare could be anywhere in the world, we must be proactive and learning from different communities. This Platform that is developing in Prague is going to be not just for Europe, but for the whole world, and we should approach it in that style.

President of European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, made this interesting comment: "We will stop at nothing to save lives." It offers a vision for Europe - Europe wants to provide a model of healthcare for the rest of the world. It is within this kind of setting that the Platform that is evolving in Prague is presenting itself, announcing to the world where it wants to be, where it wants to go.

In our today's world healthcare is nothing other than the commoditization of disease and health is seen as something that comes out of healthcare. However, health has no boundaries, it is independent. This message of health is not getting through across the countries of the world. I hope that the Platform in Prague in providing the focal point for the whole world to come and learn about other ways to look at healthcare will also open up this narrative on health.

Sustainable development goals provide a new perspective of looking at health, initiatives like European Health Forum Gastein 2020 with the motto Dancing with elephants - New partnerships for health, democracy, business - identify the right way. I believe our newly established Platform 2020 Prague will be a catalyst enabling such new partnerships. It should develop new dialogues in democracy to enhance greater connection between the people's and governments wishes."

Prof. Madan Thangavelu closed his speech with a comment on famous message of Mahatma Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

He commented: "I feel our message from Prague will follow this sequence. There will be a point where they will fight us, and at that point we know we are on the right track. Tomas Pfeiffer already has one of the best compilations I have seen for complementary and alternative medicine on his website. I hope that we will be able to populate this Platform with valuable information and we will reach the point where they will not be able to ignore us."

Nora Laubstein- Germany

President of ANME - Association for Natural Medicine in Europe, Naturopathy

Honored by the German "Foundation for Environment and Democracy, Bonn" as "ÖKOLOGIA-2020"

More information at:

"The Platform 2020 Prague is a great chance to create open space for people who search for more possibilities in the area of TCIM. It is a strategic, freely accessible project containing a large scope of values which TCIM brings people, it raises awareness of TCIM methods, their multiple uses, centres of professional development.

CAM deserves more attention of media, TCIM disciplines should follow professional PR procedures like other branches. An increase in awareness of the public and health regulators will enable objective decision-making during the legislative process. This should finally lead to a greater integration of TCIM into healthcare."

Nora Laubstein introduced a complete perspective on the media in relation to TCIM.

Carol Ann (McCracken) Hontz, B.S.,M.Ed. - USA

Author, Teacher and Public Speaker of Specialized Kinesiology

More information at:

"The current world is stressed out, changes are coming all of the sudden, people are losing security in their lives which leads to fear affecting our body and mind. Health problems arise from these traumas. How shall we face this? It is necessary to be more in balance. TCIM methods focusing on the entire man - have a holistic approach to health - can be very helpful in this. Such an approach leads towards an overall balance and inner unity through which we can become a dynamic force helping change the world to the better as the unity of the whole world starts inside each of us. Unity is also the key topic of this Congress which brings together various disciplines of alternative medicine to develop cooperation under one umbrella.

We can prepare ourselves for dealing with the challenges by taking care of our physical, our mental, our emotional, our spiritual being. When you are more in balance and unified, the creative ideas will flow, so let those ideas come to you awake or sleeping, let us be the dynamic force that helps to change the world."

Doc. PhDr. Eva Krížová, Ph.D. - Czech Republic (Guest of the Congress)

Sociologist, Associate Professor at Charles University, she specializes in modern medicine and healthcare. She published the book "Alternative Medicine in the Czech Republic", was the principal investigator in a research program on alternative medicine financed by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic,and cooperated with MUDr. Bendová, founder of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Czech Republic.

More information at:

She stated: "In the Czech Republic there is demand for research in this field and I believe that this Congress will contribute to better awareness of TCIM disciplines in general public. Thank you, Mr. Pfeiffer."

Dr. Peter Kath- Germany

President of EUAA - European Ayurveda Association

More information at

"It is important to realise we do not cure a disease but the patient - it is necessary to restore a balance. Evidence based medicine lies on the facts perceived by our senses, it can be enhanced by technical methods, but it is still us who observes things and makes statements. Facts relate to application, results, we compare the condition before and after the treatment. TCIM has results as well. The creation of a database is vital as it is necessary to know what is happening, we need to know a lot of information, we need to make collections of relevant laws.

What unites us? In fact, we are one, we are united, there is no need to cross bridges - we are already there, interwoven and part of a greater occurrence. We may say that we need to unmask the illusion of separation. TCIM is about oneness. The rich treasure of experience of all the disciplines should work together to form a united power and to spread the message. For displaying that the initiative Platform 2020 Prague is certainly a good way to start."

Amarjeet S Bhamra - The United Kingdom

representing the British Ayurvedic Medical Council

More information at

"I want to start off by thanking to be invited here to be in the company of such wonderful personalities that you have been able to bring together on this meeting today, Tomas. I am also glad to say to the panel that since the last two and a half years since I came to contact with Tomas, I have had very amazing support for all the activities I am involved with in both UK and EU Parliaments.

Ten years ago, we initiated a campaign to save herbal medicines as the free access to it had been made impossible by an European Directive. We launched a petition which succeeded only thanks to our ability to cooperate across the United Kingdom Traditional Medicines sector. Therefore, it is important to cooperate and speak to health regulators - parliamentarians, politicians who form laws and rules.

When people can wear what they want to wear, eat what they want to eat, believe in a religion of their choice, why should we be ruled in the area of healthcare? The right of free choice in healthcare is absolutely vital.

The question is how do we actually make policy makers understand that we want a pluralistic medicine system, that resonates with what we all talk about but put into practice, which is prevention is better than cure.

Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to be with all of you, and I look forward to your support and your continued guidance to the success that the traditional medicines deserve on this planet. Thank you."

Prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc. - Czech Republic

Educationalist, Researcher, Publicist and Author, long term professor at Charles University in Prague.

More information at:

"My profession is physiology and biomedicine. I spent 40 years at Faculty of Science of Charles University where I introduced the lectures of immunology and worked in the Laboratory of Biological Neuropharmacology at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. For more than thirty years I have been engaged in holistic and integrative approach to human health and possibilities of TCIM disciplines within the frame of research work and in practical application. I exercise healing practice and wrote fifteen popular-science books.

Within the frame of the project Platform 2020 Prague I would like to spread the idea of holistic and integrative effect of vitamins, minerals and medical herbs in the prevention and intervention of a wide range of lifestyle diseases. While there are different approaches by EBM and TCIM, the goal is nevertheless the same - to help the patient. Therefore, they are not competitors but rather complement one another mutually and should cooperate. It is the Platform 2020 Prague that offers the safe space for such cooperation."

Mgr. Miloslava Rutová - Czech Republic

Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic, Member of the Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Social Policy Committee, Member of the Government Council for Seniors and Population Ageing at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Facilitator and Therapist in One Brain Kinesiology Method.

More information at:

"I had devoted my whole life to the work with handicapped children in order to give them what they needed, but there was still something missing until I found an article about One Brain Kinesiology and understood instantaneously that this is It. I collaborated with the founders of this method - Daniel Whiteside and Gordon Stokes, and now I collaborate with Carol Ann Hontz. It changed not only my life but also the lives of the children I worked with. Children are our future and it is important that the common good is spread further, that is what is needed for mankind.

I feel there is going to be unity within the Platform 2020 Prague which we will be able to pass on. At the same time, I feel as my inner responsibility to spread this idea and to provide the alternative with a place it belongs to. And I would be glad if we can manage this also on the Parliament level. If it can work in other states why not in our country? We had a round-table discussion on alternative medicine in the Parliament with Mr. Pfeiffer, and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for his efforts."

Maximillian Moser, PhD - Austria

Associate Professor of Physiology at Medical University of Graz. He took part as Principal Investigator of the Austrian-Russian "Austro-Mir" spaceflight mission in several medical experiments, among them sleep and cardiovascular studies, coordinating a team of 20 co-workers and also cooperated with the Institute for Biomedical Problems in Moscow.

More information at:

"I would like to give you an overview of what we are doing here in Graz. Human heart is the holder of numerous rhythms which could be called the time organism of the human body. The observation of this time organism through the frequency sound analysis enables monitoring of diseases in the human organism, heart oscillations are thus a good benchmark for the observation of the effects of alternative or complementary medicine. It has been proved for example that regular recitation of poetry leads to the amelioration of heart problems and the rhythmical movement therapy enables an improvement in the sleep quality.

It is interesting that conventional medicine has never worked with time. I think that time and the frequency description of the human body will be a successful complementary instrument like it is already used in Asian therapeutic systems because an organ clock appears in Indian, Tibetan and Chinese medicine. I believe that such medicine will become medicine of the future as it contains prevention in its core."

Dr. Natalia Sofia Aldana-Martinez, MD, MSc - Colombia (Guest of the Congress)

Editor-in-chief of the Virtual Health Library on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine of the Americas, Physician practising Acupuncture and Homeopathy

More information at:

"It is vital to share experience from TCIM disciplines. Therefore, I really appreciate there are people from different countries and regions who want to develop this project. We are pleased to share the experience we have in our american region, the experience from the Virtual Health Library on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine of the Americas. Our project is based on providing information in the area of TCIM, we want to support an informed decision-making process and the cooperation with various stakeholders. We believe that to achieve these kinds of projects it is absolutely necessary to have common goals that help others. The dream that we have is to support TCIM for the world population in the best way possible in the health systems service."

Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, PhD -USA, India

Clinical Assistant Professor at Cornell University, Fulbright Specialist in Global Public Health specializing in Integrative Medicine

More information at:

"I am so privileged to be here among each of you. The world is getting interconnected and therefore, it is necessary to accept new paradigms. Doctors of mainstream medicine start to be interested in TCIM methods; they notice that TCIM has results as well. However, they are often not allowed to practise these methods as they have not been legalized yet. These people are waiting for evidence which will help change this policy, they are waiting for people like Tomáš Pfeiffer who is creating an initiative which may become a tipping point in the perspective from which TCIM is seen.

A new opportunity for transformation is coming but the latest facts are missing. Therefore, it is important to increase public awareness - some people have never heard of many therapies - it is important to educate others and be educated by the knowledge of others. By the time we meet next year the vision of Tomas, Carol, Miloslava, Natalia, Madan and all the others can come true. "

John Weeks- USA (Guest of the Congress)

Organizer in the field of Integrative Medicine

More information at:

"As long as each of our professions was working alone, we did not have the power we could have if we began to work together. So we began to bring the fields together in the USA. As a group we could bring our values together in a kind of platform as it is sought to be created here, and merge our voices, and we found out we could change some things. In the USA TCIM has been already acknowledged by National Institutes of Health. Five areas of TCIM are certified there.

Production of services (volume) and managing disease are not a 'health care'. The development of holistic health care is conditioned by equal opportunities for its practitioners. TCIM enables a value-based concept, saving cost at the same time. Cooperation of individual disciplines generates greater power."

For those that did not have the opportunity to watch the live videocongress broadcast there is a recording at:

Aim of Platform 2020 Prague in greater detail

The aim of the Platform 2020 Prague is to provide complex space across all TCIM disciplines worldwide, to enable an unrestricted freedom of choice from these disciplines without censorship, to help to a better awareness of national governments as well as international organizations such as WHO, WHA, Council of Europe, European Commission, European Parliament and NATO in the field of Holistic healing. It is necessary to keep creating fair access and mutual respect between academic and TCIM spheres, to offer safe space for mutual communication. A part of the Platform 2020 Prague is the idea of prevention and sustainable development of healthcare by decreasing its costs, e.g. based on recommendations by WHO, WHA, Council of Europe, European Commission, European Parliament, NATO. Its part is also the support and involvement in the projects of WHO, WHA, Council of Europe, European Commission, European Parliament, national initiatives and others whose goal is the sustainable development of our planet.

To get acquainted with Platform 2020 Prague, please visit:

Closing remarks of the Video Congress were presented by Mr. Tomáš Pfeiffer, he expressed his thanks to everyone and his wish that hopefully a live meeting will be possible on the occasion of the Main Event of the Congress held on 11th - 13th June 2021 in the Great Hall of the Prague City Council

Register for this Congress now at:

Institute for Non-Medical Therapies

Tomáš Pfeiffer, Director
Soukenická 21, 110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Phone: +420-606-842-639

© 2020 PR Newswire
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