PRAGUE, June 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- "Health knows no boundaries - Let's seek what unites us" is the motto of the WORLD HEALTH CONGRESS 2020 PRAGUE that is to be opened on 20th June 2020 at 3:00 PM (CEST) via a videoconference broadcast at www.whc2020prague.com. Main event of the Congress will take place in the historical building of the New City Hall, the seat of the Prague City Council, on 11th - 13th June 2021 under the auspices of the Capital City of Prague.
The aim of the Congress is to create pan-European and worldwide database covering all fields of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) in order that anyone - professional or a layperson - could access and use information in the area of non-medical therapies and holistic healing.
The Czech Republic is honoured to host world-renowned personalities from various fields of healthcare, coming from the USA, India, UK, Germany, Colombia, Austria, and also from the hosting country. They are:
Dr. Natalia Sofia Aldana-Martinez, MD, Msc, (Colombia), Amarjeet S Bhamra, (UK), Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MPH, MD, Ph.D., (USA), Carol Ann Hontz, B.S., M.Ed. (USA), Nora Laubstein (Germany), Maximilian Moser, PhD., (Austria), Tomáš Pfeiffer, (Czech Republic), Mgr. Miloslava Rutová, (Czech Republic), prof. RNDr. Anna Strunecká, DrSc. (Czech Republic), Prof. Madan Thangavelu, Ph.D., (UK), John Weeks, (USA).
The demand for traditional and complementary healing methods is increasing all over the society. This global trend is supported not only in EU, but also NATO, WHO, WHA and other international organizations recommend to study and develop this area. It is very topical and desired to start creating a bridge of mutual trust and respect, to develop the cooperation between fields of medicine and TCIM, and to create a space for mutual communication. It is necessary to realise that TCIM and medicine are not competitors, both should serve people in such area where a given field can be suitably applied to improve the quality of life, to decrease incidence of diseases and raise healthcare knowledgeability, and to decrease healthcare costs.
One of the results of the Congress is thus going to be the creation of the PLATFORM 2020 PRAGUE - information space for communication and mutual cooperation between the fields of EBM (Evidence-based medicine) and TCIM.
It is a project of significant worldwide outreach and prestige. Further information about the Congress is available at www.whc2020prague.com, https://youtu.be/AoQ0qqGvvP0.