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BIO UV: A very successful capital increase through private placement: BIO-UV Group raised EUR 12.7 million from French and international institutional investors

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Bio-UV Group (Euronext Growth® - FR0013345493 - ALTUV), a specialist in water and surface treatment and disinfection systems, today announces the success of its capital increase with the elimination of preferential subscription rights, targeting a specific category of investors.

Due to high demand from investors, the company placed 2,193,234 new shares with a par value of €1.00 per share, at a price of €5.80 per share including the issue premium, for a total of €12.7 million, compared with around €7.0 million initially anticipated, representing 21.20% of the company's capital after the transaction.

The funds were raised among 26 eligible investors, including 19 domestic investors and 7 international investors, excluding investors from the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan.

The funds raised from the capital increase will primarily be used for external growth opportunities notably with the aim of acquiring new clean chemical-free disinfection technologies and to bolster commercial and marketing activities.

Main terms of the Transaction

The transaction was carried out pursuant to the decision by the Board of Directors of 21 September 2020 and the powers granted to the CEO by the Board of Directors on 1 October 2020, in accordance with the authority delegated by the fourteenth resolution approved by the Combined General Shareholders' Meeting of 29 May 2020, at a price of €5.80 per share, representing a discount of 10.11% in relation to the weighted average share price over the last five trading sessions prior to the decision by the CEO to launch the transaction (€6.452) and of 8.81% in relation to the closing share price at 30 September 2020 (€6.36).

The transaction entailed the accelerated building of an order book, after which the number and price of the new shares issued were determined.

Ordinary shares with no preferential subscription rights were issued for this capital increase, which were reserved for eligible investors pursuant to Article L.225-138 and the fourteenth resolution approved by the Combined General Shareholders' Meeting of 29 May 2020.

The settlement/delivery of the new shares issued under the capital increase and their admittance for trading on the Euronext Growth market in Paris is scheduled for 5 October 2020.

The new shares will bear current dividend rights and will be admitted for trading on the Euronext Growth market under ISIN code FR0013345493, with the ticker ALTUV.

Following settlement/delivery, BIO-UV Group's share capital will comprise 10,346,993 shares and 12,072,784 voting rights, split as follows:

ShareholdersNumber of shares% of share capitalNumber of voting rights% voting rights
EURL BGH1,595,89415.42%3,165,74726.22%
Free float8,751,09984.58%8,907,03773.78%

For reference, the stake of a shareholder owning 1.00% of the company's share capital prior to the issue will be brought to 0.79%.

Pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 4 of (EU) Regulation 2017/1129, this issue did not give rise to the publication of a prospectus approved by the AMF (French financial market authority).

Detailed information on the company, particularly as regards its business, results and related risk factors, is provided in the annual financial report for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 and the interim financial report covering the first six months of 2020. These documents as well as other regulated information and all of the company's press releases are available on its website (

Transaction partners

EuroLand Corporate
Transaction advisor
A Stifel Company
Associate lead arranger and bookrunner
Gilbert Dupont
Associate lead arranger and bookrunner

About BIO-UV Group
Created in 2000, BIO-UV Group designs, manufactures and markets innovative ultraviolet water and surfaces treatment systems, and since September 2019, Ozone and AOP.
The range of equipment developed by the Group is aimed at several markets: ground, marine and surfaces.
Listed on Euronext® Growth - Paris (FR0013345493 - ALTUV), BIO-UV Group has granted the "Innovative Company" label by Bpifrance and is eligible for the French "PEA-PME" investment scheme.


BIO-UV Group
+33 (0)4 99 13 39 11
Investors relation
Mathieu Omnes - ACTUS
+33 (0)1 53 67 36 92
Press relation
Serena Boni - ACTUS
+33 (0)4 4 72 18 04 92
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