Regulatory News:
AKKA (Paris:AKA) (BSE:AKA) (ISIN:FR0004180537) is proud to extend its participation in the Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation programme by coordinating the 3-year MobiDataLab project, launched on February 1st, 2021.
The MobiDataLab project
The MobiDataLab project aims to foster digitalisation for mobility stakeholders1 through the development of a worldwide data sharing culture, starting with Europe. The research programme will help mobility stakeholders to optimize use of data for the improvement of their operations and services by proposing a replicable methodology and sustainable tools.
The MobiDataLab project is based on a continuous co-development of knowledge and technical solutions for data sharing in the transport and mobility sectors. This will be put in action through problem-solving oriented Labs, the collection and analysis of advice and recommendations of experts and supporting cities/regions/clusters/associations aided by the incremental construction of a cross-thematic knowledge base and of a cloud-based service platform, which will coordinate access and usage of data sharing resources.
AKKA's role in the MobiDataLab project
AKKA coordinates the MobiDataLab consortium, composed of 9 partners across Europe from various sectors (Industry, Research, Academia, Consultancy and Governance). The consortium shares a common view on the values and benefits of open data and open source principles for fostering independence and uptake by communities.
AKKA contributes to the development of the MobiDataLab Transport Cloud drawing on its technological expertise. The Group will develop cloud architecture solutions and manage an open data catalogue and data access services which will coordinate access and usage of data sharing resources. After its completion, AKKA will lead the exploitation plan ensuring the sustainability of the project.
"AKKA Research has won more than 9 EU projects within a period of 6 months demonstrating a clear focus on Digital and on the priorities of the European Commission. Being a coordinator of the MobiDataLab project comes with a commitment to digitalize and make transport data easily accessible to everyone thanks to an ambitious data opening strategy. We look forward to start working on the project together with our partners." added Pierre Lion, Group director of AKKA Research, AKKA's in-house R&D and innovation centre.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant agreement No 101006879.
For more information about the MobiDataLab project, please visit:
About AKKA Technologies
AKKA is the European leader in engineering consulting and R&D services in the mobility segment. As an innovation accelerator for its clients, AKKA supports leading industry players in the automotive, aerospace, rail and life sciences sectors throughout the life cycle of their products with cutting edge digital technologies (AI, ADAS, IoT, Big Data, robotics, embedded computing, machine learning, etc.).
Founded in 1984, AKKA has a strong entrepreneurial culture and is pursuing its fast-paced growth and international development in line with its CLEAR 2022 strategic plan. With 22,000 employees, who are passionate about technology and dedicated to advancing the future of industry, the Group recorded revenues of €1.8 billion in 2019.
Following the completion of the friendly take-over bid of Data Respons launched in January 2020, AKKA now holds 100% of the company's shares; with the success of this operation, AKKA leverages the most comprehensive portfolio of digital solutions in Europe to harness the growing demand from its customers in the mobility sector.
AKKA Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris and Brussels Segment A ISIN code: FR0004180537
For more information, please visit www.akka-technologies.com
Follow us on: twitter.com/AKKA_Tech
1 Such as transport organising authorities, operators, industry or innovators.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210216005954/en/
Investor Relations
Stephanie Bia
Group Communications Investor Relations Director
Tel: +33(0) 6 47 85 9878
FTI Consulting
Media Relations, France
Emily Oliver
Tel.: +33 1 47 03 68 65