Anglian Water Services Financing Plc - AWSF Financing Strategy for AMP7
PR Newswire
London, March 30
Anglian Water Services Financing plc (the "Issuer")
The Issuer announces that Anglian Water Services Limited ("AWS") and its shareholders have undertaken a full review of the AWS financing strategy for the asset management period 2020 - 2025. Having concluded that process and following the CMA's Final Redetermination of Anglian Water's business plan for the same period (further details of which can be found in the company's statement of 17 March 2021), AWS has committed to reduce total gearing in order to maintain its current solid investment grade credit ratings. This will ensure it has a sustainable and efficient capital structure in the interest of customers and investors, the environment and long-term viability. The Issuer expects to make a further announcement in due course.
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