The Board of Directors approves the draft financial statements at December 31, 2020
Strong Ebitda growth and return to net profit for the year
Increased revenues in every business area, advertising revenues in line with prior year
Shareholders' Meeting called to appoint the new Board of Directors and the new Board of Statutory Auditors
- Production value equal to Euro 38,027 thousand (Euro 31,985 thousand as at December 31, 2019 + 18,89%)
- EBITDA equal to Euro 5,266 thousand (Euro 1,239 thousand as at December 31, 2019 + 325.10%)
- Net financial position Euro 1,373 thousand (Euro 1,139 thousand as at December 31, 2019 + 20.57 %)
- Shareholders' equity of Euro 4,420 thousand (Euro 4,147 thousand as at December 31, 2019 + 6.58%)
Rome, March 31, 2021 - The Board of Directors of SEIF S.p.A. (the "Company" or "SEIF") media content provider and publisher of several editorial and multimedia products, a company whose shares are traded on AIM Italia, a multilateral system organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and Euronext Growth Paris, announces that, today, the Board of Directors approved the draft financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020.
Cinzia Monteverdi, Chairman and CEO of SEIF, stated: "In 2020, a particular and challenging year, SEIF has achieved very positive results, with the achievement of important milestones that confirm that we are moving forward on the right path. In fact, the 2020 budget shows a return to profit in the operating result, and a strong growth in EBITDA. The decision to embark on a path as a media company, and to invest in technological innovation and digital proved rewarding, generating revenue growth across all business divisions: the print newspaper and digital subscriptions, books, television production. Advertising revenues, heavily affected by the pandemic in the first half, recovered almost entirely in the second half of the year, closing substantially in line with financial year 2019.
In the economic and social context severely tested by the COVID-19, we have been able to pursue our development plans as per the industrial plan presented at the IPO, without cutting back on staff, and adapting to new working models based on the use of smart working. The results obtained show that our forecasts have proved to be correct, that the investments made can generate growth and be recovered in subsequent years; we are working to continue in this direction".
Main financial data
(in thousands of Euro) | ||||||
Financial Year 2020 | % revenues on P.V. | Financial Year 2019 | % revenues on P.V. | |||
A) Production value | ||||||
1) revenues from sales and services | 31,244 | 82.16% | 26,768 | 83.69% | ||
2) variations in inventories of work in progress, semi-finished and finished products | 34 | 0.09% | -15 | -0.05% | ||
4) increases in fixed assets for internal works | 6,255 | 16.45% | 4,504 | 14.08% | ||
5) other revenues | 494 | 1.30% | 728 | 2.28% | ||
Total (A) | 38,027 | 100% | 31,985 | 100% |
The table shows a significant increase in the value of production led by a 17% growth in the value of sales and services and increased investments in fixed assets.
Analyzing the variations in Company's revenues from sales and services, the following should be noted:
A.1 Revenues from sales and services | Value at 12.31.2020 | % on revenues | Value at 12.31.2019 | % on revenues | variations | var% |
Publishing sector | 23,809 | 76.20% | 19.914 | 74.40% | 3,894 | 19.56% |
Media content sector | 3,004 | 9.61% | 2.329 | 8.70% | 674 | 28.95% |
Advertising sector | 4,431 | 14.18% | 4.524 | 16.90% | -93 | -2.05% |
Total | 31,244 | 100.00% | 26,768 | 100.00% | 4,476 | 16.72% |
Publishing sector: revenues from the publishing sector grew by almost 20% overall. They are essentially made up by (i) newsstand sales of the newspaper amounting to k/euro 17,370, which increased by over 15% compared with the previous year; (ii) sales of the monthly magazine FQMillennium, amounting to k/euro 585, decreasing by 17% on the previous year; (iii) sales of Paper First books at newsstand and bookstores amounting to k/euro 1,432, which increased by 40%; (iv) sales of subscriptions of the publishing products and digital content amounting to k/euro 4,421, which increased by 39% compared to fiscal year 2019.
Media content sector: revenues from the media content sector grew by a total of around 29% and are essentially made by (i) the granting of rights to the exploitation of television content amounting to k/euro 2,940, which increased by 47% compared to the previous fiscal year; (ii) sales of theatrical performances and events amounting to k/euro 64, decreasing by 80% compared to fiscal year 2019 due to the inability to organize events and performances with the public, in compliance with the restrictions issued as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Advertising sector: advertising revenues substantially matched the 2019 result at -2% only and k/euro 93, almost entirely recovering the loss reported in the first half. Considering the significant negative impact on the domestic advertising market, which has experienced double-digit reductions in advertising sales across all media, we can positively assess the attractiveness of our channels and the management structure, which has achieved a goal that was by no means taken for granted, with a considerable effort. Revenues are made up of (i) advertising revenues from the newspaper amounting to k/euro 903; (ii) advertising revenues from the website amounting to k/euro 3,492; (iii) advertising sales for the magazine amounting to k/euro 37.
Analysing the marginality of company management, the following should be noted:
(in thousands of Euro) | Financial Year 2020 | % PV | Financial Year 2019 | % PV |
Production Value | 38,027 | 100.00% | 31,985 | 100.00% |
EBITDA | 5,266 | 13.85% | 1,239 | 3.87% |
EBIT | 162 | 0.42% | -2,037 | -6.37% |
EBT | 479 | 1.26% | -2,026 | -6.34% |
Net Result | 301 | 0.79% | -1,492 | -4.67% |
EBITDA is defined as: operating results, adjusted for the following components: (i) income taxes for the financial year, (ii) financial components, and (iii) depreciation and amortization of tangible fixed assets and intangible fixed assets, impairments and other provisions.
EBIT is defined as: operating results, adjusted for the following components: (i) income taxes for the financial year, (ii) financial components.
EBT is defined as: operating results, adjusted for the following components: (i) income taxes for the financial year.
Financial Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Use | 12.31.20 | 12.31.19 | Sources | 12.31.20 | 12.31.19 | |||
Intangible fixed assets | 8,263,277 | 6,635,247 | share capital | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 | |||
tangible fixed assets | 201,916 | 223,703 | reserves | 3,076,103 | 3,104,100 | |||
financial fixed assets | 215,478 | 1,144,098 | profit (loss) carried forward | - (1,456,976) | 35,407 | |||
profit (loss) of the year | profit (loss) of the year | 300,925 | (1,492,384) | |||||
Fixed assets | 8,680,671 | 8,003,048 | Shareholders' equity | 4,420,052 | 4,147,123 | |||
non-liquid assets | 160,038 | 250,720 | Non-current liabilities | 5,175,472 | 2,739,000 | |||
deferred liquidity | 7,570,677 | 7,079,725 | ||||||
immediate cash | 3,264,387 | 540,435 | Current liabilities | 10,080,249 | 8,987,805 | |||
Current assets | 10,995,102 | 7,870,880 | Liabilities | 15,255,721 | 11,726,805 | |||
Invested capital | 19,675,773 | 15,873,928 | Financing capital | 19,675,773 | 15,873,928 |
Equity increased by k/euro 273, as a result of the 2020 profit and the change in the negative reserve for own shares. The item Reserves in Equity amounts to k/euro 3,076 and consists of the Extraordinary Reserve of k/euro 3,695, the Legal Reserve of k/euro 500 and the Negative reserve for own shares in portfolio of k/euro 1,121.
Cash flow | ||
(in thousands of Euro) | ||
2020 | 2019 | |
Profit (loss) of the year before taxes on the income, interests and dividends | 162 | (2,036) |
Adjustments for non-monetary elements | 5,731 | 3,781 |
Changes in net working capital | 936 | 18 |
Other adjustments | (438) | (345) |
Cash flow from operating activities (A) | 6,373 | 1,418 |
Cash flow from investment activities (B) | 6,109 | (6,006) |
Cash flow from financing activities (C) | 2,460 | 2,917 |
Increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents (A±B±C) | 2,723 | (1,671) |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | 541 | 2,212 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year | 3,264 | 541 |
Changes in cash and cash equivalents | 2,723 | (1,671) |
The above cash flows show a significant increase in cash flow from operating activities, which contributed to the rise in cash and cash equivalents (+ 2,723 K/euro), in line with cash flows from investment and financing activities.
Net Financial Position | 12.31.2020 | 12.31.2019 |
Current financial receivables | ||
cash and cash equivalent | (3,862,715) | (1,138,763) |
Current financial payables | ||
current financial payables | 298,415 | 0 |
Net current financial debt | (3,564,300) | (1,138,763) |
Non-current financial payables | ||
Non-current financial payables | 2,191,255 | 0 |
Net financial debt - NFP | (1,373,045) | (1,138,763) |
Days sales outstanding (DSO) | 56 | 52 |
Days payables outstanding (DPO) | 61 | 63 |
Allocation of profit for the year
The Board of Directors resolved to propose that the Shareholders' meeting allocate net income for the year, amounting to 300,925 euros, to partially cover previous losses.
Activities carried out in 2020
Despite the fact that our country, in the year just ended, was hit by a tragic health emergency and a consequent economic crisis, we were capable of implementing our plans, moreover without any reductions in personnel, notwithstanding that working models were suddenly overturned due to the pandemic and set up on smart working. The operating result we submitted to the shareholders' meeting has several positive aspects. First and foremost, the operating result.
In fact, the financial statements for the year ended 12/31/2020 show a return to net profit (k/Euro 300), which represents a significant achievement. It should be noted that the achievement of this result is mainly attributable to revenues from sales and services which recorded a total of k/euro 31,200, compared to approximately k/euro 26,700 in the previous year, representing an overall increase of approximately 17%, equal to approximately k/euro 4,500. It should be pointed out that each division achieved an increase in revenues (print newspaper and digital subscriptions, books, television production). Revenues from advertising also remained basically in line with the previous year, despite the fact that, due to the pandemic, the sector registered a significant drop, especially in the first half of the year. The increase in revenues also enabled a significant rise in EBITDA, amounting to k/euro 5,265 (13.85% of the value of production), compared with k/euro 1,239 (3.87% of the value of production) in the previous year.
The Company's decision in 2019 to continue to implement the planned investments as per the industrial plan presented in the IPO, even in the presence of declining sales volumes and even at the expense of margins, in order not to suspend or interrupt the corporate development process that it was convinced would trigger corporate growth in future years in all the various business units, has provided the positive effects on the Company's financial and economic situation. The final result recorded in the 2020 financial year demonstrates that the forecasts made by management have proved to be correct, and also shows that the investments made generate growth and can therefore be recovered in subsequent years.
The path of growth as a Media Company, has therefore proved to follow the correct strategies. The current year still brings with it several challenges on technological innovation and the digital revolution, aimed at the continuation of growth in all divisions and the consequent increase in revenues and margins.
Significant events occurred after the end of the year
No significant events occurred after the end of the year. The Company proceeded with its normal operating activities, which also include the implementation of development projects.
The Company constantly monitors the evolution of the situation related to the health emergency. Italy is still one of the countries most affected and the spread of the virus has required drastic government interventions to contain the epidemic. The sectors in which the company operates have not been subject to restrictions by the various measures issued by the Government and Parliament in Italy since the beginning of the spread of the pandemic.
During the first quarter of 2021 production activities continued with the adoption of all the necessary measures to safeguard the safety of workers, also in compliance with the protocol signed between the government and social partners. The Company continued to manage the work organization program with the use of smart working applied to all tasks, reducing the physical presence of workers at offices and editorial offices to a minimum. As mentioned above, the information sector, remaining among the primary sectors, did not suffer any stoppages and/or significant falls in production.
Foreseeable evolution of operations
After December 31, 2020 and up to the date of approval of these financial statements, no corporate events have occurred that would have an impact on the equity and economic results shown. As of the date of preparation of these financial statements, the Company has not recorded any reductions in operating activities or in the related volumes of revenues and cash flows. Therefore, the Company is continuing to implement the management and production programs foreseen, implementing all the necessary precautions and interventions for the purposes of maximum containment of the risks connected with the epidemic situation. The Company constantly monitors the evolution of the pandemic, continuing to equip its organizational and production structure with the tools needed to maintain the highest possible levels of safety in the workplace, favoring smart working wherever possible and adopting a continuous program of swabbing at company offices. The Company operates in the Publishing and Information sector, which are among those sectors that have not been subject to restrictions by the numerous Legislative Decrees issued in the last 12 months. On the basis of the information currently available, there are no real and current risks of a significant reduction in production and management activities, and it is ruled out that the sector in which the Company operates will be subject to regulatory restrictions due to the containment of the pandemic that could lead to the suspension of the entire business and/or individual production divisions.
Notice of call of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting and filing of the documentation
The Board of Directors resolved to call the ordinary shareholders' meeting to resolve, inter alia, on the approval of the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020 on April 29, 2021 (on first call) and on May 12, 2021 (if necessary, on second call).
It should be noted that the Shareholders' Meeting will also be called upon to appoint the members of the management and control bodies, whose term of office will expire upon the approval of the financial statements as of December 31, 2020.
The documentation required by current regulations will be available at the registered office at Via Sant'Erasmo 2, 00184 Rome, and on the company's website www.seif-spa.it, Investor Relations section, within the terms provided by current regulations. Please note that the draft financial statements have been audited by KPMG S.p.A.
Further information
In addition to the financial information referred to above, the statement of assets and liabilities, the income statement and the cash flow statement are hereby attached.
SOCIETA? EDITORIALE IL FATTO S.P.A. (SEIF) is an independent media company, founded in Rome in 2009 and led by Cinzia Monteverdi, Chairman and CEO. The company publishes several editorial and multimedia products, including Il Fatto Quotidiano, founded by Antonio Padellaro and directed by Marco Travaglio, the website ilfattoquotidiano.it and the monthly magazine FQ Millennium, directed by Peter Gomez, the publishing company Paper First and the TV and multimedia content platform Loft.Recently, SEIF has undertaken a process of diversification to become more and more a media content provider at 360° degrees, starting a strategy of development of its products in digital key and data driven.
For further information Press Office Close to Media - Company founded by Elisabetta Neuhoff Via Caradosso 8 - 20123 Milan Tel: 02.70006237 Fax: 02.89694809 www.closetomedia.it Luca Manzato - luca.manzato@closetomedia.it, Sofia Crosta - sofia.crosta@closetomedia.it, | Nomad Alantra Capital Markets Via Borgonuovo, 16 - 20121 Milan tel. +39 tel: +39 02 63671613 Stefano Bellavita mail: stefano.bellavita@alantra.com SEIF - Investor relations 06 32818514 Cinzia Monteverdi (CEO) ir@seif-spa.it Luigi Calicchia (CFO) l.calicchia@seif-spa.it |
1.Ordinary Statement of Assets and Liabilities
12/31/2020 | 12/31/2019 | |
Assets | ||
B) Fixed assets | ||
I - Intangible fixed assets | - | - |
1) start-up and capital costs | 829,554 | 988,893 |
4) concessions, licenses, trademarks and similar rights | 98,830 | 24.073 |
6) assets under construction and payments on account | 1,044,596 | 807,607 |
7) other | 6,290,297 | 4,814,674 |
Total intangible fixed assets | 8,263,277 | 6,635,247 |
II - Tangible fixed assets | - | - |
4) other assets | 201,916 | 223,703 |
Total tangible fixed assets | 201,916 | 223,703 |
III - Financial fixed assets | - | - |
1) shareholdings in | - | - |
b) associates companies | - | 932,939 |
Total shareholdings | - | 932,939 |
2) receivables | - | - |
b) receivables from associates | - | 121,277 |
due within the next year | - | 27,000 |
due after the next year | - | 94,277 |
d-bis) other receivables | 212,960 | 89,882 |
due within the next year | 212,960 | 4,124 |
due after the next year | - | 85,758 |
Total receivables | 212,960 | 211,159 |
4) active derivative financial instruments | 2,518 | - |
Total financial fixed assets | 215,478 | 1,144,098 |
Total fixed assets (B) | 8,680,671 | 8,003,048 |
C) Current asset | ||
I - Inventories | - | - |
1) raw, subsidiary and consumable materials | 49,448 | 174,342 |
4) finished products and goods | 110,590 | 76,378 |
Total inventories | 160,038 | 250,720 |
II - Receivables | - | - |
1) trade receivables | 5,050,536 | 4,087,782 |
due within the next year | 5,050,536 | 4,087,782 |
5-bis) tax receivables | 499,375 | 1,027,014 |
due within the next one year | 499,375 | 1,027,014 |
5-ter) pre-paid taxes | 777,529 | 798,216 |
5-quater) from third parties | 421,364 | 328,082 |
due within the next one year | 421,364 | 328,082 |
Total receivables | 6,748,804 | 6,241,094 |
III - Financial assets not of a fixed nature | - | - |
6) other assets | 598,328 | 598,328 |
Total financial assets not of a fixed nature | 598,328 | 598,328 |
IV - Cash and cash equivalents | - | - |
1) bank and postal deposit | 3.260.371 | 538,023 |
3) cash at bank and in hand | 4,016 | 2,412 |
Total cash and cash equivalents | 3,264,387 | 540,435 |
Total current assets(C) | 10,771,557 | 7,630,577 |
D) Accrual and deferred income | 223,545 | 240,303 |
Total assets | 19,675,773 | 15,873,928 |
Liabilities | ||
A) Shareholders' equity | 4,420,052 | 4,147,123 |
I - Share capital | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 |
IV - Legal reserve | 500,000 | 500,000 |
VI - Other reserves, indicated separately | - | - |
Extraordinary reserve | 3,694,856 | 3,694,856 |
Total other reserve | 3,694,856 | 3,694,856 |
VII-Reserve for hedging operations of expected cash flows | 1,914 | |
VIII - Profit (loss) carried forward | (1,456,976) | 35,407 |
IX - Profit (loss) of the year | 300,925 | (1,492,384) |
X - Negative reserve for purchase of own shares | (1,120,667) | (1,090,756) |
Total shareholders' equity | 4,420,052 | 4,147,123 |
B) Provisions for risks and charges | ||
2) tax provisions, including deferred tax liabilities | 604 | - |
4) other | 663,289 | 641,989 |
Total for risks and charges | 663,893 | 641,989 |
C) Employee severance indemnity | 2,320,324 | 2,097,011 |
D) Payables | ||
4) bank financing | 2,489,670 | - |
due within the next year | 298,415 | - |
due after the next year | 2,191,255 | - |
7) trade payables | 3,727,114 | 3,718,577 |
due within the next year | 3,727,114 | 3,718,577 |
12) tax payables | 551,583 | 444,255 |
due after the next year | 551,583 | 444,255 |
13) amounts payable to social security institutions | 1,021,870 | 1,012,179 |
due within the next year | 1,021,870 | 1,012,179 |
14) other receivables | 2,836,588 | 2,531,000 |
due within the next year | 2,836,588 | 2,531,000 |
Total receivables | 10,626,825 | 7,706,011 |
E) Accrual and deferred income | 1,644,679 | 1,281,794 |
Total liabilities | 19,675,773 | 15,873,928 |
2.Ordinary Income Statement
12/31/2020 | 12/31/2019 | |
A) Production value | ||
1) revenues from sales and services | 31,243,512 | 26,767,687 |
2) variations of inventory of raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies | 34,212 | (15,360) |
4) increases in fixed assets for internal works | 6,255,486 | 4,503,896 |
5) other revenues and income | - | - |
other | 494,100 | 728,296 |
Total other revenues and income | 494,100 | 728,296 |
Total production value | 38,027,310 | 31,984,519 |
B) Cost of production | ||
6) for raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies | 1,133,515 | 1,488,422 |
7) for services | 17,170,893 | 16,251,673 |
8) for use of assets owned by others | 1,795,058 | 1,490,026 |
9) for personnel | - | - |
a) salaries and wages | 8,610,079 | 7,791,923 |
b) social security | 2,696,310 | 2,514,242 |
c) employee severance indemnity | 462,774 | 427,072 |
e) other costs | 303,604 | 244,384 |
Total personnel costs | 12,072,767 | 10,977,621 |
10) amortization, depreciation and impairment | - | - |
a) depreciation of intangible fixed assets | 4,964,237 | 3,163,222 |
b) depreciation of tangible fixed assets | 82,737 | 76,730 |
Total amortization, depreciation and impairment | 5,046,974 | 3,239,952 |
11) variations of inventory of raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies | 124,894 | 13,978 |
12) provisions for risks | 57,394 | 35,442 |
14) other operating costs | 464,312 | 524,075 |
Total of cost of production | 37,865,807 | 34,021,189 |
Difference between value and costs of production (A - B) | 161,503 | (2,036,670) |
C) Financial revenues and expenses | - | |
15) financial income from investments: | - | |
financial income from investments | 333,061 | |
Total financial income from investments | 333,061 | |
16) other financial revenues | - | |
a) from receivables recorded as fixed assets | - | - |
from affiliated companies | - | 1,277 |
other | 1,800 | |
Total financial income from receivables recorded as fixed assets | 1,800 | 1,277 |
c) from securities included under the working capital which are not shareholdings | 12,515 | 12,008 |
d) revenues different from the previous | - | - |
other | 37 | 3,583 |
Total revenues different from the previous | 37 | 3,583 |
Total of other financial revenues | 14,352 | 16,868 |
17) Interests and financial expenses | - | - |
other | 31,343 | 6,667 |
Total interests and financial expenses | 31,343 | 6,667 |
17-bis) exchange gains and losses | 1,061 | (201) |
Total financial revenues and expenses (15+16-17+-17-bis) | 317,131 | 10,000 |
D) Value adjustment on financial assets | ||
18) revaluations | - | - |
c) of securities included under assets forming part of working capital which are not investments | - | 186 |
Total revaluations | - | 186 |
Total value adjustments to financial assets (18-19) | - | 186 |
Result before taxes (A-B+-C+-D) | 478,634 | (2,026,484) |
20) Current, deferred and prepaid taxes on the income of the year | ||
current taxes | 157,022 | - |
deferred and prepaid taxes | 20,687 | (534,100) |
Total current, deferred and prepaid taxes on the income of the year | 177,709 | (534,100) |
21) Profit (loss) for the year | 300,925 | (1,492,384) |
3.Cashflow statement, indirect method
Amount at 12/31/2020 | Amount at 12/31/2019 | |
A) Cash flows from operating activities (indirect method) | ||
Profit (loss) for the year | 300,925 | (1,492,384) |
Income taxes | 177,709 | (534,100) |
Payable (receivable) interest | 15,930 | (10,000) |
(Gains)/Losses on disposal of assets | (333,061) | |
1) Profit (loss) for the year before income tax, interest, dividends and capital gains/losses from conveyances | 161,503 | (2,036,484) |
Adjustments to non monetary items that were not offset in the net working capital. | ||
Allocation to preserves | 666,433 | 541,012 |
Depreciation of fixed assets | 5,046,974 | 3,239,952 |
Other adjustments to increase/(decrease) non-monetary items | (186) | |
Total adjustments for non-monetary items that were not offset in the net working capital | 5,713,407 | 3,780,778 |
2) Cash flow before changing net working capital | 5,874,910 | 1,744,294 |
Changes in net working capital | ||
Decrease/(increase) in inventory | 90,682 | 29,338 |
Decrease/(increase) in payables to customers | (962,754) | (164,153) |
Increase (decrease) in trade payables | 8,537 | 557,357 |
Decrease/(Increase) in accrued income and prepayments | 16,758 | (125,076) |
Increase/(Decrease) in accrued expenses and deferred income | 362,885 | |
Other decreases/(Other increases) in net working capital | 1,419,810 | (279,329) |
Total changes in net working capital | 935,918 | 18,137 |
3) Cash flow after changes in net working capital | 6,810,828 | 1,762,431 |
Other adjustments | ||
Interest received/(paid) | (15,930) | 10,000 |
(Use of funds) | (421,820) | (355,119) |
Total other adjustments | (437,750) | (345,119) |
Cash flow from operating activity (A) | 6,373,078 | 1,417,312 |
B) Cash flow from investment activity | ||
Tangible fixed assets | ||
(Investments) | (62,775) | (177,173) |
Intangible assets | ||
(Investments) | (6,974,730) | (5,485,491) |
Financial fixed assets | ||
(Investments) | (343,467) | |
Divestitures | 928,620 | |
Cash flow from from investiment activity (B) | (6,108,885) | (6,006,131) |
C) Cash flow from financing activity | ||
Third party resources | ||
Increase/(Decrease) in short-term payables to banks | 298,415 | |
Starting financing | 2,191,255 | |
Own resources | ||
Transfer/(purchase) of own shares | (29,911) | 2,917,440 |
Cash flow from financing activity (C) | 2,459,759 | 2,917,440 |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A ± B ± C) | 2,723,952 | (1,671,379) |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | ||
Bank and postal deposits | 538,023 | 2,211,105 |
Money and equivalents on hand | 2,412 | 709 |
Total of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | 540,435 | 2,211,814 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year | ||
Bank and postal deposits | 3,260,371 | 538,023 |
Money and equivalents on hand | 4,016 | 2,412 |
Total cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year | 3,264,387 | 540,435 |
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