Regulatory News:
Séché Environnement (Paris:SCHP):
In light of the COVID-19 epidemic and in order to protect the shareholders, the General Manager, duly authorized by the Board of Directors, has decided to hold the Annual General Meeting without the shareholders or other eligible attendees being present.
In light of the measures just announced by the Government, which aim to restrict freedom of movement to deal with the Covid-19 outbreak as part of the territory-wide containment as of April 3, 2021 and for a duration of 4 weeks, the place of the meeting shall be assigned on the date of the Meeting by an administrative measure preventing shareholders from being able to travel and physically participate in the meeting.
This decision is taken in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 2020-321 of March 25, 2020, extended and amended.
The prior notice for the Annual General Meeting, including the Meeting's agenda, the text of resolutions submitted for the Meeting's approval, and the Meeting's primary participation and voting conditions, was published on March 24, 2021 in the Bulletin of Mandatory Legal Announcements (BALO). The attention of shareholders and other persons entitled to attend the meeting is drawn to the fact that, contrary to what is stated in this notice, the meeting will be held in camera.
The convening notice will be published on April 12, 2021 in the BALO and in a legal announcements newspaper. These notices will be available on the company's website: www.groupe-seche.com.
Retransmission and terms of participation
It is specified that the shareholders will not be able to participate and vote live (by telephone or audiovisual conference) because of the technical impossibility to carry out their identification.
The general meeting will be broadcast live by clicking on the link that will be posted on the company's website www.groupe-seche.com. It will be rebroadcast on a delayed basis within the regulatory timeframe.
Since shareholders cannot physically participate in the general meeting, no admission card will be issued.
Shareholders are invited, prior to the General Meeting, to vote by mail or to give power to the President of the General Meeting or to a third party who must vote remotely, by post or electronically via the e-mail address: ct-assemblees@caceis.com.
Availability of Preparatory Documents Requests to Send Documents
The preparatory documents for the general meeting set out in Article R. 22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code will be posted on the company's website (www.groupe-seche.com) no later than the twenty-first day preceding the general meeting.
The documents intended to be presented at the meeting in accordance with articles L. 225-115 and R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code will be made available on the company's website (www.groupe-seche.com) or upon request at the e-mail address: actionnaires@groupe-seche.com.
From the date of the convocation, the shareholders may ask the company to send them the documents and information mentioned in articles R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code, up to and including the fifth day before the meeting, preferably by e-mail to the following address: actionnaires@groupe-seche.com.
In general, shareholders are encouraged to prefer the transmission of all their requests electronically to the aforementioned e-mail address.
Shareholder Questions
As soon as the preparatory documents are made available to shareholders, any shareholder may address written questions to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 225-84 of the French Commercial Code. These written questions should be sent, preferably electronically to: actionnaires@groupe-seche.com (or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to Head Office) and received before the end of the second business day preceding the date of the general meeting. They must be accompanied by a certificate of registration in account. The questions and their answers will be posted on the company's website (www.groupe-seche.com) within the deadline set by the regulations.
Since shareholders cannot physically participate in the general meeting, exceptionally they will not be able to ask oral questions, nor suggest amendments to the resolutions or new resolutions during the general meeting.
Finally, the scrutineers of the meeting will be appointed in accordance with the applicable regulations: In this context, these functions will be offered to shareholders among the ten shareholders with the largest number of voting rights of which the company is aware on the date of the convocation of the meeting. The identity and quality of the designated persons will be published in accordance with the regulations.
In general, you are invited to regularly consult the section dedicated to the General Meeting on the company's website (www.groupe-seche.com).
Next press release
Q1 2021 revenue April 27, 2021 after market
About Séché Environnement
Séché Environnement is the leading player in the recovery and treatment of all types of waste, including the most complex and hazardous waste, and in remediation services for the benefit of the environment and health. Séché Environnement is a family-owned French industrial group that has supported industrial and regional ecology for over 35 years with innovative technology developed by its R&D team. It delivers its unique expertise on the ground in local regions, with more than 100 sites around the world, including around 40 industrial sites in France. With 4,600 employees, of which 2,000 in France, Séché Environnement has revenue of about €700 million, of which 25% is earned internationally, driven by internal and external growth momentum via its many acquisitions. Thanks to its expertise in creating circular economy loops, the treatment of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and hazard containment, the Group directly contributes to the protection of the living world and biodiversity an area it has actively supported since its creation.
Séché Environnement has been listed on Eurolist by Euronext (Compartment B) since November 27, 1997. It is eligible for equity savings funds dedicated to investing in SMEs and is included in the CAC Mid&Small, EnterNext Tech 40 and EnterNext PEA-PME 150 indexes. ISIN: FR 0000039139 Bloomberg: SCHP.FP Reuters: CCHE.PA
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Shareholder Relations
Manuel Andersen
Director of Investor Relations
+33 (0)1 53 21 53 60