The for community benefit HPC-AI Advisory Council (HPCAIAC) and Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) in collaboration with the HPCXXL Board today announced the virtual 2021 Swiss Conference and HPCXXL User Group. The conference will take place with an all online participation 05-06 May from 13:00-16:00 CEST (7:00-10:00a.m. EDT). The meeting, virtually hosted by CSCS, will present a condensed agenda over two afternoons from Switzerland's CEST time zone. Each daily (3hr) session will combine thought leadership and immersive contributed talks across HPC and AI domains and disciplines and feature the innovative research, techniques, tools and technologies that fuel economies, productivity and progress globally.
Encouraging shared knowledge for over a decade, a recognizable lineup of renowned subject matter experts returns in 2021 to explore leading-edge research and technologies from Cloud Native Supercomputing to 'citizen scientists' contributions to COVID-19 research. CSCS and HPCXXL experts will also introduce cutting-edge HPC and AI developments that are integral to researchers, collaborations and breakthroughs throughout Switzerland, Europe and the world.
"HPC and AI are key disciplines and enablers of most major advancements," said Gilad Shainer, HPC-AI Advisory Council Chairman. "The annual Swiss Conference and HPCXXL User Group brings together specialists from all over the world, helping further everyone's expertise and progress."
"The conference provides a multi-disciplined perspective," said Michele De Lorenzi, CSCS Deputy Director. "Private and public participants come together to learn from each other. Their diverse knowledge and works helps others in their individual and collaborative pursuits, which benefits everyone."
The 2021 Swiss Conference HPCXXL User Group requires registration, is free to attend and open to all interested
About HPC-AI Advisory Council
Founded in 2008, The HPC-AI Advisory Council (HPCAIAC) is a for community benefit organization with over 400 members committed to promoting HPC and AI through education and outreach. More: www.hpcadvisorycouncil.com
About Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Founded in 1991, the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) provides key capabilities to solve important problems to science and/or society. Operated by ETH Zurich, CSCS supports researchers globally from its state of the art centre in Lugano.
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Brian Sparks