Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust - Notice of Annual General Meeting
PR Newswire
London, May 14
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
(an authorised closed-ended investment company incorporated in Guernsey with registration number 41352)
LEI Number: 549300HHFBWZRKC7RW84
(The "Company")
14 MAY 2021
Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of Dickson Minto, 16 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4DF on 16 June 2021 at 09:00am.
The Notice of AGM together with the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020 has been posted to shareholders.
As set out in the Annual Report and Accounts, the Board has been monitoring closely the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon the arrangements for the Company's upcoming AGM. Elements of the National Lockdown remain in place and shareholder attendance at AGMs is not legally permissible. Therefore, in order to provide certainty, whilst encouraging and promoting interaction and engagement with our shareholders, the Board has decided to hold an interactive Online Shareholder Presentation which will be held at 11.00 a.m. on Friday, 4 June 2021. At the presentation, shareholders will receive updates from the Chairman and Manager and there will be the opportunity for an interactive question and answer session. Following the online presentation, shareholders will still have time during which to submit their proxy votes prior to the AGM and the Board encourages all shareholders to lodge their votes in advance in this manner.
Further information on how to register for the event can be found at
The AGM on 16 June 2021 will, by necessity, be a functional only closed AGM. Arrangements will be made by the Company to ensure that the minimum number of shareholders required to form a quorum will attend the meeting in order that the meeting may proceed and the business be concluded. The Board considers these arrangements to be in the best interests of shareholders given the current circumstances.
The Board strongly discourages shareholders from attending the AGM and entry will be refused if Government guidance so requires or if the Chairman considers it to be necessary. Instead, shareholders are encouraged to exercise their votes in respect of the meeting in advance.
Any questions from shareholders who are unable to join the Online Shareholder Presentation may be submitted to the company secretary at: Property.Income@aberdeenstandard.com. The Board and/or the Manager will seek to respond to all such questions received either before, or after the AGM.
The Board would like to thank shareholders in advance for their co-operation and understanding and looks forward to presenting to as many shareholders as possible at the Online Shareholder Presentation.
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.3, the Notice of Annual General Meeting, proxy form and accounts have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
The Company Secretary
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St Peter Port
Tel: 01481 745001