PETAH TIKVA, Israel, May 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- GenCell Energy, (TASE: GNCL), a leading Israeli-based manufacturer of fuel cell energy solutions, will conduct an investors conference to provide a business update about the Company's activities and operations for the period January - May 2021.

The Company's CEO, Mr. Rami Reshef, and its CFO, Mr. Yossi Salomon, will host the conference and present Company updates and developments for the period of January - May 2021.
The Company will hold an Investors Conference in English on Monday, May 24th. 2021, at 11:00 AM ET (16:00 UK, 18:00 IL time) via the ZOOM app using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4553442793?pwd=cTg0VkZkbEdrOUZRQjFYZjZRSXJTUT09
Download here the presentation that will accompany the Investors Conference.
About GenCell Energy
GenCell Energy (TASE: GNCL) fuel cell solutions offer affordable, clean power for humanity, enabling businesses to Say No to Diesel and render diesel generators obsolete. Using ultra-reliable fuel cell technology that powers spacecraft, we deliver backup power for utilities, homeland security, healthcare and automated industries. Our revolutionary process to create hydrogen-on-demand from anhydrous ammonia (NH3) enables our fuel cell solutions to also provide primary power for off-grid and poor-grid sites, as well as rural electrification. GenCell Energy numbers more than 90 employees, including veterans of space and submarine projects. The company is headquartered in Israel with a worldwide distribution and support network and retains unique intellectual property that includes patents, trade secrets and know-how.
The Investors Conference does not replace the need to review the Company's immediate and periodic reports, which also include forward-looking information as defined in the Securities Law, 5728-1968. This immediate report does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or an invitation to accept offers to purchase any securities of the Company.
For additional information, visit: www.gencellenergy.com , follow us on Twitter or visit our official Youtube channel.
Shelli Zargary,
Marketing Manager, GenCell Energy
Tel: +972 54 5617161
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