MANCHESTER, England, June 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Aqua Perfecta is calling on the public this Clean Air Day (17 June) to check the potential pollutants in the air in their postcode. Poor air quality is a real threat to health even in the UK; around 40,000 deaths per year can be linked to air pollution, and the air indoors can be up to five times more polluted than the air outdoors.
Newly launched website www.aquaperfecta.com allows users to identify nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations at their postcode. The air purification experts provide advice and guidance on these pollutants.
Aqua Perfecta has now partnered with EarthSense, an air quality monitoring and modelling specialist, to use their MappAir API as part of their air quality reporting. MappAir is an air quality model which uses a range of data inputs including weather, traffic, and Zephyr sensor data to provide hourly information regarding a range of pollutants.
Aqua Perfecta are delighted to bring this solution to consumers via their online postcode checkers. Consumers input their full postcode to receive an onscreen breakdown of any pollutants present as well as the potential harm to health these pollutants may cause. The air purification experts then guide through their range of solutions which comprise of cutting edge, innovative freestanding air purification models.
Aqua Perfecta's director of sales, Mike King said: "Access to advanced data provided by EarthSense helps us to raise awareness of what is currently a growing problem across many areas of the UK.
"The use of the MappAir pollution measurement means that we can support people who are most in need of our products from national right down to postcode level. Using this data allows us to inform our customers and provide guidance on solutions that can purify poor air in their homes and places of work, creating a cleaner and healthier environment."
An Aqua Perfecta customer, Manchester resident Hannah Dillon commented: "I was really shocked to discover the levels of pollution in my postcode. Some of the pollutants identified by Aqua Perfecta's online checker could have a real impact on health.
"It's concerning to think about what could be in the air we breathe - not only outdoors but inside our homes too. I do think that more awareness needs to be raised around the issue of clean air."
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1535003/Aqua_Perfecta_PerfectAir_Sense.jpg