Total Telecom participated in Huawei's latest Better World Summit (BWS), in which speakers discussed the ways 5G is unlocking augmented reality (AR) for both enterprises and consumers.
During the Summit, Eric Zhao, Huawei's Vice President of CNBG Marketing showed that technological innovation was the driving force for the evolution of humanity. Many new services, bringing additional convenience, have emerged during the 4G era. He added that the development of 5G was now introducing another wave of innovations of applications and technologies, with AR and VR being one of the first apps to optimize the use of 5G.
Total Telecom reports that the largest opportunity for AR currently lies in the enterprise space. The extent of this potential was clear throughout the BWS event, where each of the executive speakers at the event explained how AR had enhanced their business over the past year; for example, applications from Shenzhen TV Station demonstrated how AR had helped them to reach potential clients around the world during the pandemic, and meleap showcased an AR-powered tech-sport available anytime, anywhere.
Although the consumer market for AR has been far slower to move towards widespread adoption, Total Telecom reports that AR will be increasingly accessible for consumers with 5G and cloud. According to Eric, computing and storage of the AR devices can be offloaded to cloud, and the new generations of AR devices will not have to compact the computing of the storage modules. So, the models will be downsized and lighter, with costs being reduced.
Both AR and 5G technologies are still in their infancy and it will not be easy for operators to take advantage of this opportunity. Total Telecom suggests operators look beyond just connectivity and carve out their value proposition within the ecosystem, with 5G at its heart. Collaboration will be of paramount importance in driving innovation with new AR experiences and solutions.
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James Llewellyn